We hope you all had (or are still having) a good holiday. It's almost the new year now, so of course it's time to start thinking about ways to help out your community and make the world a little better.
Beth Kanter of NetSquared.org recently posted about the Young Caucasus Women Project, a mentoring project organized by Golbal Voices. If you want to participate, you can mentor a young woman blogger from the Caucasus region of Western Asia. The women are ex-pats from the countries of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia, and they are able to write in English. All you need is a blog and some time to offer guidance support.
The program's director, Katy Pearce, outlines the objectives of the project:
If you are interested in participating, follow this link to NetSquared.org where you can find contact information and read more about the program.
[link via have fun * do good]