David Alvarez's Game-Based Mosaics

Dice. Cards. Rubik’s Cubes. I’m sure many of you have these around your house, maybe lots of them. You might even use them quite often. But I bet few of you have done what performance artist David Alvarez did with his dice, cards, and Rubik’s Cubes. In the three videos on his YouTube channel, Alvarez […]
Dice Wall
Facebook integration in Netflix UK website. Image via Netflix Blog

Dice. Cards. Rubik's Cubes.

I'm sure many of you have these around your house, maybe lots of them. You might even use them quite often. But I bet few of you have done what performance artist David Alvarez did with his dice, cards, and Rubik's Cubes. In the three videos on his YouTube channel, Alvarez creates some amazing mosaic portraits with our geeky gaming supplies—and it's a bit more astounding than the wall of dice you see above. Check it out!

I wonder what he could do with a bunch of Settlers of Catan hexes ...