Chaos Mandy is trying to recover from the fun that was Dragon*Con and get back into the swing of things. This weekend she will be cleaning house with her husband and maybe some help (or hindrance) from her toddler.
Laura finds her day improved every time she sees her husband writing his lists on an old notepad emblazoned with From The Desk Of A Liberated Women. This week she’s started a writing gig with where so far she's introduced herself and put forth some ways to learn outdoors.
Patricia spent Labor Day weekend hunkered down in the house keeping the boys entertained as Tropical Storm Lee brought about a foot of rain and several tornadoes to the Florida Panhandle. A 62-hour-long tornado watch MUST be a record! We all got our Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars Six-Pack fixes. She is now preparing for her next Air Force Reserve work week in Nebraska, this time with a twist! More to come upon her return!
Rebecca will be celebrating Fashion Night Out in fashionable upstate New York (ahem) by hanging around with her 4H group all decked out, looking in cute boutiques in town, and eating dessert. We did this last year and the kids looked fabulous, just fabulous! She will also be performing at a benefit concert for local farmers who were hit by the hurricane. If you live in the Capital Region, come out to the Hudson River Coffee House for a good cause on Friday night.
Corrina Lawson would like to announce the sale of her superhero novella, Luminous, to Samhain Publishing. Luminous will be the second story in her Phoenix Institute series for Samhain. The first story, Phoenix Rising, is due out November 8th. She would also like to announce that the three younger minions have all started school, the eldest minion is moved into her college dorm, and she hopes to have time now during the day to finish her current work in progress. And to eat lunch in peace.
Jennifer D. is already planning for her Harry Potter Halloween party this year. While she is gathering owls for Eeylops and making whomping willow signs, she is trying to talk her Dad and brother into making a cardboard Hogwart's Express for the front yard.
Sarah is still adjusting to life with a toddler bed, and hoping to have the crib pieces out of the guest room before her parents arrive from England this week. Still unable to find time during the day to finish Madame Bovary, she has undertaken to read Pillars of the Earth with her husband, now there really won't be time!
Melissa Wiley and her gang are off to the Good Vibrations Unschooling Conference in Del Mar, CA, with a stop at Mitsuwa Marketplace on the way to stock up for the International Candy-Tasting Funshop. Mmm, Pocky...
Jules is trying to wrap her brain around the fact she now has a 16-year-old. She is also very happy that she is now a Core Contributor at GeekMom. Other than that, she doesn't really have much to report, as she has been extremely busy trying to get her audiobook ready for release on Monday, September 12, 2011. Pre-orders end at 11:59 pm UTC on Sunday, September 11, 2011. If you'd like to pre-order, not only do you immediately receive five tracks, but you can save 20% by entering the coupon code 'preinsane' at checkout. One dollar of each sale is donated to the BC Lupus Society, where the funds are earmarked for Lupus research and treatment.
Kristen Rutherford just got back from checking out the Battlestar Galactica exhibit at EMP in Seattle. Today is her daughter's second birthday, but thanks to 100 degree heat in SoCal, a planned daytrip to Disneyland will have to wait until Friday!! Saturday morning, it's up early to make an eyeball cake for the birthday party, since Vivienne's favorite song right now is PonPonPon. Then Sunday it's back on a plane; this time to San Francisco where finally, finally, finally, she will visit and work in Nerd Valhalla - aka - SKYWALKER RANCH recording more of the film Zambezia over at Skywalker Sound.