At around six years old, my friend BJ and I would play Star Wars in his basement. He had this white mountainous set where our dolls – oh, excuse me, action figures – would have adventures. I got to play Luke, since BJ always wanted to be Han Solo.
My sister was never interested in this game, but sometimes BJ's older brother Michael would come down to mess it up. He always said I should be Princess Leia and should buy one. I would shrug my shoulders and grab Luke before he could.
I didn't want to be Princess Leia. I was mad at her. At that point in the series, I didn’t know she was Luke's sister, but Luke liked her. My feelings were conflicted about Luke at six years old. I both wanted to be him, the hero, but also wanted him to look at me the way he looked at Leia.
But didn't every little geeky girl want to be Leia? Not really.
[Read more about Rebecca Angel's love/hate relationship with Leia on GeekMom!]