In my first post for GeekDad I shared some thoughts about gaming with children. This generated many emails and comments which were both inspiring and encouraging. There are many people out there engaged in some old-school dice rolling with their kids. What I am learning through my own efforts is it is never too young to start. Indeed, role-playing is how most young children play anyway, introducing a few dice isn't too difficult. Just don't be a rule Nazi. That doesn't work.
I thought I should share some of my experiences role-playing with my boys who are aged 5 and 6 and are veterans of more than a dozen role-playing sessions. By far the role-playing game that has resonated with my boys most is a hacked version of Fuzzy Heroes.
I like Fuzzy Heroes because it allows children to use toys from their own cupboards to create characters, superpowers and engage in all sorts of adventures against the Naughty Renegade Boy Toys. The meta-narrative that drives the game is simple enough: good toys (aka Fuzzy Heroes) defend all that is good and fuzzy from the bad toys (Naughty Renegade Boy Toys).
What follows are some simple instructions on how I have adapted some of Fuzzy Heroes' simple rules to introduce the basic concepts of RPGs to my kids. You probably don't even need the book, but it is a handy little resource so if you can get it, I'd recommend it.
For any role-playing parent, the Fuzzy Hero setting makes it easy to great story lines that can be played out in an hour or so (which is about the attention span of my boys). As self-appointed "Master of Fuzz" (aka GM) I find you can set up a simple plot like "rescue the kidnapped fuzzy hero," "find the treasure" or "flee from the advancing renegade boy toys" works well, with a few twists or turns thrown in to make it fun.
Any GeekMum or GeekDad who has prepared their own role-playing adventures as a DM or GM will find lots of scope for imagination that allows you to introduce the core tenets of fantasy and role-playing to your children. And that is how you should treat this. You are not just introducing the mechanics of role-playing, you are introducing a world of trapdoors and magic that is mysterious and exciting to children. For example, in one game my boys' Fuzzy Heroes obtained the powerful "necklace of fuzz" which gave them the power to fly, but it also was making them lose energy points... and so they learn about the powerful magic item that can also have very negative effects. (One necklace to rule them all...)
The real beauty of Fuzzy Heroes though is the simplicity of the system, one that I have adapted to make even simpler to match the level of my boys.
So, to start you choose any toy and using a measuring tape and toy's features (color, legs, horns etc.) to create all its core stats and attributes. The game can be played with: your soft toys, a measuring tape, a few d6 and paper and pencils.
Getting Kids' Heads Around Attributes:
I guide my boys' character creation quite closely. Their numeracy and literacy skills are still developing , so it helps to be very structured and tell them what numbers to write where. We have a character sheet I've designed with large writing and space for 5 attributes and a picture of their hero. The first thing I get them to write their character's name and draw a pictures of their fuzzy hero. Then, I help them work out their attributes. We stick simply to:
- Energy Points (equivalent to health or hit points)
- Defense Number (aka Armour Class)
- Energy Dice (damage)
- Number of Attacks
- Movement
The Fuzzy Heroes rules have some simple tables where all these attributes can be determined from measuring the length of the fuzzy hero, its colour or pattern and number of arms, legs, horns or other appendages. I do the measuring and tell them what numbers to write next to each attribute.
In fact the measuring tape is genius. It is also used for movement. (i.e. a movement of 18 is 18 inches). It makes it very visual and simple for even young children. We each have our own measuring tape now to conduct our own movement during the game.
My boys still don't know exactly how the stats are determined. But they know a Defense Number of 13 is good and they more Attacks and Energy Dice the better! Stats still reign and are compared even at this age: "Wow, you have 10 energy points?!"
As a rule, I allow my boys to use their imagination to choose one super fuzz power. We negotiate how powerful this is and how often they can use it. It ranges from standards like invisibility, to the ability to fly through to strange powers like "vomit of fuzz" and "fastest ever run away!" This gives them a card up their sleeve and they love pulling out their super powers — which 100% of the time result in a positive outcome for their character. No spell/magic resistance in our games — yet! I want to make this fun for them. And victory is fun when you are six years old.
Playing Out the Story Line:
An imaginative and adaptive GeekParent GM really helps. Don't let dice rolling or rules get in the way of the story, and you'll have read so many fantasy and sci-fi books you'll have a host of plots and story elements at your disposal.
I develop a game almost on the spot. I use what is lying around for inspiration. A group of toy dinosaurs on the floor become an encounter, some rocks outside the back door become a magical rock wall that requires a simple riddle to be solved before being past, and sprinkling a handful of Lego from above becomes a magical shower that sends Fuzzy Heroes to sleep.
I usually have one main opponent. But I am very relaxed about that opponents stats and usually don't even have a character sheet for them. My boys are learning — so encounters are weighted in their favor. We rely on their character sheets heavily (because they need to learn about them), but their opponents stats are flexible and usually in my head. I don't have time to create character sheets for them.
Opponents can vary. Sometimes it is the "wise old stuffed wombat" that lives in the middle of blanket swamp and has a secret ingredient to help heal another injured fuzzy hero. Other times it is a crazy clown trying to conquer the world through laughter. Of course the most favorite villain was the alien who flew using his fart gas (a gaseous cloud that also caused fuzzy heroes to lose energy points).
Initiative is simply called "who goes first" and is determined by a single roll. After that they usually either move or attack. I usually let the boys know "what they have to roll over" when they attempt to attack — this is the opponent's Defense Number usually 10-12, but can be 8 or 9. if I am being generous and there are multiple enemies — this all depends on the mood as well. I work hard to avoid tantrums during a game, which means sometimes you make it easier to hit the enemy. The boys then roll 3d6 for each attack and I usually get them to describe the attack as they roll the dice for atmosphere. i.e. "I run up and whack him with my spiked tail!"
A successful hit is met with much whooping and cheering. They then roll their Energy Dice for damage. This basically means if you have 4 Energy Dice you roll 4d6 and any odd number is a hit. A hit means you lose 1 energy point. Never have I seen rolling a 1,3 or 5 so wonderfully praised as in recent months of role-playing with my boys.
The combat continues this way until the fuzzy heroes or their opponent get to zero energy points.
Where to play:
Sometimes a whole bedroom can be your play space. But more recently we've been using just a tabletop and as the pictures show we've had a lot of fun creating the game space using Lego structures, vehicles and Lego men as miniature Fuzzy Heroes. It isn't Dwarven Forge, but gee I am pretty sure we are on our way.
I'm sure backyards, sandpits or any lounge room would also make a fine play space. Remember, chairs and tables, rugs and shelves can all become part of the game terrain. We have had toys push books off shelves, hide under buckets and rugs have become oceans to cross with toy boats. The possibilities are endless and so much fun.
Keys to introducing role-playing to children at preschool or early primary school:
- Focus on the story telling, descriptions and imaginative element.
- Don't worry about the rules too much. But always obey the dice when they are rolled. We must maintain the order and discipline of RPGs.
- Be creative with the materials around you and create chance encounters and events. For young children this is the first time they are experiencing role playing standards and genre elements we take for granted. Make it as amazing as you can.
- Kids are naturals at this, they role-play all the time, this just adds some structure and hopefully extends the age at which they continue to play. Just like some of the dads I role play with into our 30s, 40s and beyond.
[This post originally ran in 2008]