While it may be effective in the field, most technical footwear makes you look like a tool the second you step indoors. Nobody wants to see you rocking a pair of waders at the brew pub.
Thus, one of the most welcome trends in the outdoor goods market is the emergence of technical gear that also looks good when you head back to civilization. Footwear company Teva has a new offering in this category, the Fuse-Ion shoe. It attempts to blend innovative outdoor performance with a good amount of style points, and it succeeds.
Each pair is protected with Teva's "Ion Mask" treatment, an almost imperceptibly thin coating that renders the shoes completely water-repellent.Designed as a "casual" water shoe, the Fuse-Ions are tailor-made for the wet stuff. They have plenty of traction on wet and moss-covered rocks, and they dry quickly, making them perfect for a hike to a waterfall or keeping you comfortable during and after a downpour. Best of all, they still look good when you're walking around town.
While good looks are a matter of opinion, the first two data points can be judged on merit.
The uppers are protected with Teva's 'Ion Mask' treatment, an almost imperceptibly thin coating that renders the shoes completely water-repellent on a molecular level. The shoes don't dry off quickly, because they never actually get wet. To test the water-repellent claims, I walked through creeks and pushed off from boat ramps, and water just fell right off of the shoes as soon as they exited the water. Whenever I spilled water or beer on the shoes, it invariably rolled right off. While the shoes' material is totally waterproof, the shoes themselves are not. If you splash (or even pour) water on the shoe itself, you'll stay dry, but if you submerge your whole foot, water's going to get inside, though it'll drain almost immediately. This is fine as long as you're not wearing socks, because while your shoes shed water well, your socks most likely won't.
The second technological innovation is the extremely grippy rubber outsole, which provides an almost surreal amount of traction. Originally designed for kitchen staff working on greasy floors, Teva's "Spider rubber" sports flexible ridges on the sole that act like windshield wipers, cutting through whatever hazards I could find and planting a firm grip on the surface underneath. The sole worked well on a variety of slippery surfaces – Mt. Bachelor's ice-covered parking lot, submerged river rocks on a mountain trail, and my kitchen's linoleum floor after I sprayed it with Pam.
A quick note on rock-hopping: the highly flexible sole was especially effective on the river rocks, as the material was able to conform to the rocks' contours for more surface contact and grip. However, for people who require more support, that thin, flexible sole may be a pain in the foot. If you're not used to flatter-soled shoes, longer hikes could lead to some seriously sore arches.
The shoes look just as stylish indoors as out, with their low-profile colors and faux-canvas exterior. They're designed more like a neo-Converse shoe than those strappy Teva sandals you may remember from your days on Dead tour. And trust me, that's a good thing.
WIRED Gecko-like traction on slippery surfaces. Water literally falls off and out of the shoe. Collapsible heel for easy on/off. Great for the boat as well as the yacht club.
TIRED Not much support. Water can creep in through gaps in material. Too narrow for wider feet.