This week’s puzzle was either much harder than originally scoped or ill-defined; there were very few responses, and even fewer that were correct. Here is the puzzle as presented:
So, it turns out that there were some 20,403 gifts given/sung, per the following schedule:
| GiftsCount
| Partridges, in Pear Trees 465
| Turtle Doves 906
| French Hens 1,311
| Calling Birds 1,672
| Golden Rings 2,000
| Geese a-Laying 2,232
| Swans a-Swimming 2,401
| Maids a-Milking 2,456
| Ladies Dancing 2,367
| Lords a-Leaping 2,100
| Pipers Piping 1,617
| Drummers Drumming 876
| Total Gifts Given/Sung20,403
Many thanks to everyone that hazarded a guess, from the close and reasonable (from which this week’s winner was randomly selected) to the exceedingly large (there were a few 50+ digit numbers submitted!)
The randomly selected winner was Randy Slavey, and he is the owner of a $50 ThinkGeek gift certificate just in time for holiday shopping! For everyone else, please feel free to use the checkout code GEEKDAD22DC to save $10 off an order of $50 or more. Good luck to everyone with this week’s puzzle from Garth!