Kickstarter Alert: Check Out ParkQuest, an Interactive Outdoor Adventure

ParkQuest is a free mobiles game that provides an immersive, interactive, and customized adventure at public parks and other outdoor areas. Players search for treasures, collect magic items, and battle against monsters as in many adventure games. ParkQuest is unique because players are performing these activities in the real world; in real time and space. Players may use their phones as a map, compass, sword, shield, magic wand, or even a shovel! We want to use this framework to enrich our public parks and get people excited about visiting them and spending time there.
Image may contain Human Person Dolf Jansen Clothing Shorts and Apparel
Image by Jordan Bieber

Getting kids outside can be hard nowadays with so much competition from indoor entertainment via computers and hand-held devices. But, a project currently on Kickstarter called ParkQuest sounds like an ingenious way to meld the two. From their page:

ParkQuest is a free mobiles game that provides an immersive, interactive, and customized adventure at public parks and other outdoor areas. Players search for treasures, collect magic items, and battle against monsters as in many adventure games. ParkQuest is unique because players are performing these activities in the real world; in real time and space. Players may use their phones as a map, compass, sword, shield, magic wand, or even a shovel! We want to use this framework to enrich our public parks and get people excited about visiting them and spending time there.

Excited? Well, it is already being used in several parks around the country with great success, so this Kickstarter project is aiming to bring it to a park near you! For more information, including a quick video, go visit their official Kickstarter page.