Creativity Challenge #1: Star Trek Haikus

I've decided to participate in John Anealio's "23 in '13" Creativity Challenge because as a creative arts teacher, it's pretty sad when I help children and adults give birth to wonderful ideas, then have nothing of my own at the end of the day. Oh, I've started many, many things, but completing songs, poems, stories, silly artwork, is what has been lacking. Making the announcement on a public forum such as GeekMom is a perfect way to keep myself accountable as well. Although I can't promise all twenty three creative thingies will be geeky, but since my life revolves around many geeky things, there should be plenty to share with this community. I will begin with some haikus I wrote on the completion of watching Star Trek: The Original Series with my family.
early morning writing in my pajamas
My daughter caught me in an early morning creative moment. Photo By Lilianna Maxwell

GeekDad and musician John Anealio had a bit of a creative slump last year, so he's ramping up his songwriting with a challenge to himself: Write twenty-three musical pieces in 2013. It's always good to announce these things publicly – more pressure to follow through. And it's great to have other people along for the ride. He has invited everyone to do something, anything creative to complete the challenge.

I've decided to participate because as a creative arts teacher, it's pretty sad when I help children and adults give birth to wonderful ideas, then have nothing of my own at the end of the day. Oh, I've started many, many things, but completing songs, poems, stories, or silly artwork, is what has been lacking. Making the announcement on a public forum such as GeekMom is a perfect way to keep myself accountable as well.

Although I can't promise all twenty three creative thingies will be geeky, my life revolves around many geeky things, so there should be plenty to share with this community. I will begin with some haikus I wrote on the completion of watching Star Trek: The Original Series with my family.

First series Star Trek Not as many red shirts died
As fans told me would

Lame Star Trek short skirts
But I've seen much worse clothing
Reality shows

Women lust for Spock
But I like Sulu better
Only Takei gay

My love to Star Trek
Hope for the future of Earth
Gene Roddenberry

Why in every show
No matter what the plot is
Bones will laugh at Spock?

Cheers for Uhura
Who finally kicked some ass
in Mirror, Mirror

Only three seasons
Original Series done
Sad to say good-bye

All honesty here
I wish Star Trek was real 'cause
Kirk was so damn hot

Yeah, so the bar has been set. And I think my three year old niece could hop over it. What's it going to be for you? Art? Music? Writing? Dance? Other? All of the above? If I can count these haikus as part of my twenty three creative thingies for the year, than nothing can stop you!