Illustrator Steve Thomas Takes on The Wizard of Oz!

Illustrator Steve Thomas takes on The Wizard of Oz.
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Image: Steve Thomas

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I've been a fan of Steve Thomas's work for years, and have written about him before. He makes poster art reminiscent of an earlier time, in a classic look but with modern content. Mostly.

This time around he has tackled The Wizard of Oz with a series of posters showing a few different locationss from the story. Which one is your favorite? Just when I think I like the Kansas poster the best, I am drawn to the castle (which, somehow, also keeps making me think of Strange Brew), or Munchkin Land, or... What do you think?

Steve's art is available for purchase. If you're a fan of this kind of art and The Wizard of Oz, these posters would make a really fantastic way to decorate your home or office. He also has done a wide variety of other posters, including ones about space travel, and travel a bit closer to home. Just visit his site for details!