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While munching on a chocolate bar watching the fiftieth preview before The Hobbit, one caught my fantasy-impatient eye. Warm Bodies.
I don't like zombies. Zombies are popular, but I don't jump into every geeky genre just because it's the hottest thing to continually remind my friends I'm weird. I like fantasy, with magic, horses, swords and the complete rewriting of what medievals times were like.
Vampires came to my attention in high school. Their popularity waxes and wanes, and I was only on the bandwagon as a teen with Anne Rice's novels. But besides the first couple, I thought the rest were melodramatic. I thought Buffy: The Vampire Slayer looked dumb, and I'm not into gore. So away with that genre!
As an adult with two kids and needing something new, I picked up Harry Dresden and my fantasy horizons broadened. Maybe that was a gateway book because soon after I found the Sookie Stackhouse novels.
I liked the cover and almost put it back on the library shelf when I read it was about vampires. Then challenged the book to entertain me. It won.
I accepted that maybe vampires weren't all bad; turns out Buffy wasn't dumb. But zombies? No, no, no. They are not romantic with their skin falling off. Eating brains is way more gory than sucking blood. And saying it's a disease just makes me worried about the world. Books are supposed to help me escape, thankyou.
Having this conversation with a friend last year he promptly gave me World War Z.
"But I said I don't like zombies," I reminded him.
"Just give it a try."
Oooh, good book! I made it halfway just because I trusted my friend's taste. The other half I devoured of my own accord. There's a movie coming out with the title, but seeing the trailer makes me realize how much liberty movie makers can take. It might be good, but it won't be anything like the book- a collection of short stories.
But just because World War Z was good, didn't mean I was into zombies. Then the trailer for Warm Bodies came up. I was intrigued. It was about love. My daughter leaned over to me, “Mommy, I think you will like that movie.”
I don't know. I've decided not to read the bookuntil after I see the movie, just in case it's completely different. The movie is what grabbed my attention. Regardless if I like it or not, I'll read the book too. Not that this means I like zombies! No. But...I'll see.