This is going to be a very short post -- time is short, too. The folks over at RunRev have less than 42 hours in their Kickstarter and they're so close to getting funding. LiveCode is going to be a cross-platform app creation tool, allowing anyone to create apps that will run on ioses, androids, and other operating systems. It's tag line is Everyone in the World Can Code... Let's Start Now!"
For a minimum pledge of about $5.00US, you can get access to the application when they release it. Just check out the video and see if it's something that interests you. If you've got a child or know a child who might have an interest in programming, this could be the spark that lights a fire. I've made my pledge, and I'm crossing my fingers they'll get their funding.
Come on geek dads and geek moms! Let's rally and help these folks push through! Please help spread the word!