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I'm still not into zombies, ok? No way. They're still gross. Just because I was intrigued by the Warm Bodies trailer, liked the book, dragged my friend to the movie, then started searching the web for fan sites, read up on the author, then purchased the prequel, and finally...even wrote a song.
Let's get some perspective on this head-long rush. I'm rebounding. Last Wednesday was the final reading of a four year regular read-aloud with friends of Lord of the Rings. Yeah, four years. Wednesday night I was completely depressed. The epic journey was over.
While looking at random crafts featuring Fellowship members, I realized that in order for this relationship to continue, it would have to move to a new level. But did I really want to learn Elvish? Join the SCA? I wasn't ready for that kind of commitment.
Life continues. I was going to the movies that Friday to see Warm Bodies for a post on this here site. Eh. Did I really want to go? When I finish a good book, movie, whatever, I try to keep from starting a new one too fast. Savor the experience. But after some tears for Frodo, lame facebook posts, and a good night's sleep, I had a different reaction this time.
Thursday morning I was desperate to know the zombie story. How could undead love possibly work? I could not wait one more day, so I went out and bought the book, diving in. I sat on the couch with the finished book in my hands for awhile.
"Mom? Mom...Oh, you read that already? Did you like it?" My daughter asked.
"Yeah." I looked up slowly. "I liked it. I liked it a lot."
Friday night I could not wait. I must have talked it up a bit because a friend, who has less time than I do, and needs sleep when she can get it, agreed to go to a late night showing with me. We both enjoyed it. I wrote up my review that night, and thought that was all very nice, onward!
But "R" would not let me go. I spent the weekend mentioning Warm Bodies in conversations where it really didn't fit. I had some...interesting dreams. I perused fan sites. I found Isaac Marion's blog, which led me to buying the prequel called The New Hunger.
And then I wrote a song. It's a zombie romance song. I know, I know, once you've heard one, you've heard them all:
Grunts and groans communicate.
Feelings language can't relate.
I know I can't be that Julie.
Is there room in your undead heart for me?
Sigh...I may be on the rebound, but I'm totally bitten- I mean, smitten.