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Showtime's new series Penny Dreadful takes place in a world where Mary Shelley's Frankenstein coexists with Bram Stoker's vampires and a motley crew of other baddies from Victorian pulp fiction. Is it worth a watch? Angry Nerd would like to make a case for metaphysical mashups.

Showtime's new series Penny Dreadful takes place in a world where Oscar Wilde's character Dorian Gray coexists with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Bram Stoker's vampires and a motley crew of other baddies from Victorian pulp fiction. Character crossovers and storyline mash-ups are nothing new. But if the premise has been done before, are the character overlaps and reincarnations worth a watch? Angry Nerd is here to make the case for metaphysical mashups—from the Anno Dracula book series to, yes, Penny Dreadful.