Slack snuck into our lives as a demure workplace collaboration tool. The design is so artfully milquetoast that you can’t resent it for sucking up every spare ounce of your attention. It is simply irresistible. In a largely silent office, Slack is where inside jokes take shape. Key debates unfurl before your eyes — and you can invite yourself in or bow out at your own discretion. Coworkers gain (or lose) stature as they flaunt their gif and emoji skills.
I loved Slack from the moment I started using it, on November 15th. But I resisted installing the app until about two weeks ago. I thought, foolishly, that ‘work time’ and ‘me time’ ought to be separated by some kind of barrier, and I drew the line at Slack. Until that fateful day when a conversation got so interesting that I couldn’t resist jumping in while killing time at the pharmacy. Now it’s the app I read when I’m bored on the train (see ya, Facebook). Instead of refreshing my feed on Twitter, I check all the active channels on Slack. Nothing going on? Join a new channel! It feels like work, but it also feels social: it’s the perfect crime.
Today we published “Shut Down Your Office. You Now Work in Slack,” but we want to hear from you:
Do you use Slack, or another tool? Tell us something quirky about how you and your colleagues communicate.
Share your response below!