Tell Us your Slack Story

How do you collaborate?

Slack snuck into our lives as a demure workplace collaboration tool. The design is so artfully milquetoast that you can’t resent it for sucking up every spare ounce of your attention. It is simply irresistible. In a largely silent office, Slack is where inside jokes take shape. Key debates unfurl before your eyes — and you can invite yourself in or bow out at your own discretion. Coworkers gain (or lose) stature as they flaunt their gif and emoji skills.

I loved Slack from the moment I started using it, on November 15th. But I resisted installing the app until about two weeks ago. I thought, foolishly, that ‘work time’ and ‘me time’ ought to be separated by some kind of barrier, and I drew the line at Slack. Until that fateful day when a conversation got so interesting that I couldn’t resist jumping in while killing time at the pharmacy. Now it’s the app I read when I’m bored on the train (see ya, Facebook). Instead of refreshing my feed on Twitter, I check all the active channels on Slack. Nothing going on? Join a new channel! It feels like work, but it also feels social: it’s the perfect crime.

Today we published “Shut Down Your Office. You Now Work in Slack,” but we want to hear from you:

How do you collaborate at work?

Do you use Slack, or another tool? Tell us something quirky about how you and your colleagues communicate.

How about with friends?
How have the ways you collaborate changed during your career?

Share your response below!