Uber CEO Takes On NYC Mayor de Blasio In Retweet Storm

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick used to be more outspoken on Twitter. Now he's letting others do the talking (he just wants to make sure you hear it).
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Uber CEO Travis Kalanick wants you to know that Uber is great. So great, in fact, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio should abandon any effort to cap the company's growth.

The mayor has called for a limit to the number of licenses available to ride-sharing companies like Uber while the city studies the impact of the influx of car services on traffic. Uber is vociferously opposed to the idea—the company's New York general manager even challenged de Blasio to a public live-streamed debate. (The mayor declined.)

Now, Kalanick has taken to Twitter, a time-honored tactic in his company's frequent battles with city governments. Once a singularly outspoken tweeter, Kalanick has quieted as Uber's value has skyrocketed. But over the past week, via a storm of retweets, he's made sure to call out the stories and anecdotes that appear to support Uber's side (including at least one WIRED story). Here's a sampling:

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