MTV Wants You to Want Your MTV News All Over Again

With dozens of new hires, MTV News is getting serious about its future by seeking a return to its glory days.
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With dozens of new hires, MTV is getting serious about its future by seeking a return to the glory days of MTV News.

The company has hired more than a dozen high-profile journalists to help the network better cover culture, music, and politics. Unlike its heyday in the early 1990s, however, this iteration of MTV News will be seen and heard well beyond the confines of your TV. Grantland's Alex Pappademus and Molly Lambert, The New Republic's Jamil Smith, and writer Ana Marie Cox will all be a part of the reinvigorated news team aimed at the web, your phones, and your eardrums via podcasts, as well as your television. The team will be run by the now-shuttered Grantland's founding editor, Dan Fierman.

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News was once a core part of MTV's identify. Starting in the late '80s, MTV was known for its pop culture and politics coverage thanks to journalists like perpetually aging hipster Kurt Loder and Tabitha Soren, who co-hosted the televised forum where an audience member famously, and presciently, asked President Bill Clinton whether he wore boxers or briefs. Since then, however, news has given way to the unreality of reality shows like Jersey Shore.

Under new president Sean Atkins, MTV seems to be interested in addressing its dwindling TV viewership in part by bulking up a multi-platform news division that offers a clear editorial vision. The plan also seems to be an effort to compete with newer upstarts like Vox Media, Vice, and BuzzFeed, all of which have found a young audience hungry for news and entertainment coverage.

Whether MTV News can recapture the audience and cultural cred it once had is an open question. Unlike the '90s, however, you'll have a whole bunch more ways to tune in—all in the hopes that you'll want your MTV all over again.