In 2017, cancer might finally become number one. It would be an upset victory, given that heart disease has killed more people in the US every year for nearly a century. But it wouldn’t exactly be a surprise: As deaths from heart disease and stroke have dwindled, cancer has held strong, steadily narrowing the gap. If it doesn’t win out this year, it will soon. But there’s a new realization about why we’ve been losing the war on cancer for so long: Our battle plans are wrong. Typically, we wait until a tumor is big enough to feel or see before attacking it. By waiting until then, we often face a foe that has evolved over many years into a trickster beast, riddled with bizarre mutations that allow it to quickly thwart any drug we throw at it.
So many researchers are adopting a new approach: Deterrence rather than war. The idea is to shut down tumors before they get nasty, when the cells are still premalignancies — already funky and wrong and predisposed to cancer, but relatively docile and simple to deal with.
Whichever buzzword it goes by — interception, active prevention, early intervention—the concept is the same: “Can you intervene early enough so that you’re changing the natural history, changing the course of something that could potentially develop into cancer?” says medical oncologist Matthew Yurgelun of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
In some ways, this idea is an offshoot of traditional prevention, which is vastly underrated. Right now, if everyone scrupulously followed the advice to avoid smoking, stay active, keep out of the sun, and stay lean, we’d cut the rate of cancer deaths by half. Interception is basically a logical next step: prevention with a take-charge, can-do attitude. As Paul Limburg, a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic and principal investigator of the Cancer Prevention Network, puts it, “We’re at a time that is better positioned than ever in my 30-year career to do something new and novel in the field of cancer prevention.”
Two big advances are behind this shift. One is the new view of the deep and complex relationships between the immune system and cancer. It took researchers a while to realize it, but the immune cells they see invading some tumors can actually hold back the malignancy, until the cancer eventually evolves away beyond it.
More recently, the success of drugs like Keytruda and Yervoy has showed that a liberated immune response can sometimes wipe out even late-stage cancers. The drugs only work on certain cancers and in a minority of people, but they’re proof of how powerful a properly stimulated immune system can be. Scientists are now eager to see what it might be able to do earlier in the disease’s progression.
“If you can intervene earlier, and ramp up the immune response early on in the process or prevent cells from evading the immune system, that could be your point of interception,” says Yurgelun.
One promising way to do so might be through cancer vaccines. Despite a history of flops, a recent research report identified 1,200 cancer vaccine projects in development, including both preventive ones and vaccines that act as therapies. Limburg’s Cancer Prevention Network, for example, is testing a vaccine aimed at people with precancerous growths in the colon. Nora Disis’s group at the University of Washington is just finishing up the first stage of a vaccine it hopes to use against breast cancer for women at high risk.
This new breed of cancer vaccines should be more effective than its failed precursors. Applying mathematical analysis to genome sequence data, researchers hope to predict which weird changes to tumor cells may be good targets for a vaccine, and bundle many of them together into a potent mix that can fire up the immune system. The quest for the best of these “neoantigens” is underway in many groups; a project from Sean Parker’s new cancer immunotherapy institute, announced in early December, is a collaboration/competition between some 30 research groups and companies to look for these targets in established cancers. Their first rough draft list is expected in the spring.
The longterm vision might be: A person at high risk because of genetics, or who has a premalignancy (maybe a former smoker with lesions of the lung picked up on CT) gets their tissue analyzed for suitable targets — mutations, or other misbehaving proteins. They’d get a vaccine, possibly aimed at their tumor type, or maybe custom built to hit those soft spots. They’d also get immunotherapy drugs that goose certain parts of the immune system and hold others back. If it worked, maybe they’d never really get cancer at all.
The second big insight behind interception is the idea of cancer as change over time, and a far more specific knowledge of how an easygoing precancer transforms into a menace. As Limburg puts it, “the disease is carcinogenesis, not cancer.” Once you know what the steps are, you can figure out how to stop them.
Good old aspirin, for example, is quite effective in preventing colon cancer if you take it long enough, reducing the risk by 30 percent after 10 years of daily pills. But for a long time nobody knew why, and because it usually isn’t clear who would benefit and who wouldn’t, it wasn’t widely recommended. Now, a better understanding of the precise effects it has — and a way to test which cancers it will interrupt — makes it possible to do “precision prevention,” predicting who should take aspirin and who shouldn’t. On top of that, two major studies of aspirin that test for the first time whether it lowers the overall death rate are expected to publish in 2017.
Drugs now used to treat established cancer might also keep precancers from progressing. The breast cancer drug tamoxifen, for example, prevents about one half of cancers in moderate-risk women. Other studies are now evalsuating whether newer “targeted therapies” designed for specific mutations, or even immunotherapy drugs, might halt progression early on. “Moving these agents earlier in the process will probably portend greater benefit — the machinery is more there and able to respond,” says Ernest Hawk, vice president for cancer prevention at MD Anderson. In this vision, prevention and treatment are a continuum.
This year, these buzzwords will apply more to a shift in thinking than a shift in practice. Changes in medicine happen slowly, and prevention in particular takes a painfully long time to prove. Plus, though we know a lot about cancer, we have much to learn about the mysterious lives of precancers. Which funny-looking lumps will turn into dangerous tumors, and which won’t? Right now, it’s hard to tell.
The emerging technology of liquid biopsy, which analyzes the blood for tiny scraps of tumor DNA, may eventually make it easier to spy on what these cells are doing. It’s now used for established cancers, but many liquid biopsy developers hope to retool the tests toward early detection. But it will take years to prove that it really works.
Cancer researchers aim to copy what the cardiologists did, transforming a disease from a life-threatening crisis that requires dramatic emergency treatment into a problem you prevent. “Cancer is slower, and it’s more complex, but it’s going to follow the same process,” says Hawk. “The emphasis will ultimately be on prevention and treatment of those cases that sneak through, rather than now, where we have 90 percent emphasis on treatment and 5 percent on prevention.”
It will require a granular understanding of cancer biology, new drugs and tests, and a massive campaign to change people’s minds about the nature of cancer. And in 2017, the campaign is finally beginning.
Creative Art Direction: Redindhi Studio
Illustration by: Laurent Hrybyk
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