Which Safety App Should You Trust for Personal Protection?

Your smartphones or wearable could be a lifeline in emergencies. These apps could make all the difference.
A woman is doing stretching exercises in the city at night. She's training on an elevated walkway in the city. She's...
The apps that come preinstalled on your phones can be used to keep you safe.Filippo Bacci/Getty Images
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Final Tips and Advice

  1. Test it first. A safety app won't serve you well if you're trying to figure it out in the middle of a stressful situation. Once you've downloaded the app, run through all of its features. Practice triggering alarms, figure out how to send your locations, and activate any SOS functions. Most companies account for test runs—just be sure to complete the call and communicate to the service that you're OK.
  2. Communicate with your contacts. If you've designated friends or family as emergency contacts, give them a heads-up so they know how to respond when they receive alerts from you.
  3. Have options. Traditional law enforcement might not always be the best or quickest option for protection. Have a backup plan.
  4. Be aware of limitations. Unfortunately, even the best app isn't foolproof. A dead battery, a stolen phones, or a lack of data can render any of these tools ineffective. Also, be cautious about sharing your locations, as it can sometimes cause your loved ones anxiety and can also be misused by abusers. Only share your whereabouts with people you trust in an emergency.