The WIRED Guide to Drones

These tiny flyers are going to fill the skies, transforming entire industries for the better—and worse.
Illustrations by Radio

You might be using your drone (or thinking about getting a drone) for epic vacation shots and ultra-romantic wedding videos, but you should be thinking bigger. What if, instead of taking pictures of you, your drone could help you monitor hundreds of acres of crops? What if it could photograph a building's flaws? And what if it could fix those flaws or water those crops as soon as it spotted them?

Just as self-driving cars could fundamentally rearchitect the way cities work, drones have a disruptive potential that's hard to overstate. They could change the way people and goods are transported (where we're going, we don't need roads!), eliminate some jobs and create others, and upend the way we think about distance. Drones could bring the internet to people who don't have it, deliver food and medicine to people who need it, and cast a watchful eye over anyone and everyone. Drones are even inspiring new sports! The nascent industry also provides a helpful reminder that regulators and inventors need to work together to make tech actually function, because there are some seriously scary downsides to a world where drones fill the sky.

We're at the very beginning of the drone revolution. The GoPro sticking off the bottom of your Phantom is an early version of something smarter, faster, and more thoughtful. Nobody quite knows yet how these miniature flying objects will integrate into our lives and skies. But self-driving vehicles will be in the sky long before they're commonplace on land—and what happens up there might be just as important.

The First Drones

A gizmo you might call a "drone" could actually fall into a couple of broad categories. One is a fully autonomous vehicle that flies without any human intervention at all. The other is more like a remote-control flier: A pilot is still in charge, but they're on the ground watching the drone, or in a room somewhere watching on a computer screen or through a pair of goggles. The two types involve different tech with different potentials, but they both count as drones. So we'll consider them, for the purposes of this guide, one and the same.

The general idea of drones has been around for more than a century. It's not a terribly novel concept, really: We've invented all these cool ways to fly around, but many of them are dangerous, so wouldn't it be great if humans didn't need to be sitting inside? You could point to Nikola Tesla's 1898 demonstration of "teleautomation," in which he remotely controlled a small boat over radio frequencies. Or to Charles Kettering, who built the "Kettering Bug," a World War I–era automated missile. Maybe it was the Queen Bee, the first reusable unmanned aerial vehicle, which the British military used in the 1930s for military target practice.

Wherever the idea began, drones were primarily a military project for decades. They were perfect surveillance tools, small and nimble enough to avoid detection while flying over enemy territory—and if they were detected and destroyed, the only cost was building another one. Later, soldiers began attaching bombs to the drones, allowing them to spot and destroy their target in a single move. The Predator drone, conceived in the 1990s and flown for millions of hours since then, has changed the way the US fights wars, both for better and for worse. It keeps US troops out of harm's way, but it also removes them from the in-the-moment decisions of war. Predator strikes can be incredibly precise, but they have killed hundreds of civilians. Drone warfare has been hotly debated since its inception—it's both a technological debate and a moral one, a sort of Trolley Problem for the skies.

On the consumer side, drones rose from a community of remote-control airplane fliers. In the late 2000s, some hobbyists figured out that their phoness contained all the parts they needed for a kickass autopilot system, so they started rigging their phoness to their planes and letting one pilot the other. Others bought the individual parts—an accelerometer for measuring movement, a gyroscope for directional orientation, a small processor to keep everything running—and built them straight into their devices. Since phoness were improving so fast, these parts were becoming cheaper, better, and more battery-friendly. Pretty soon, anyone with basic coding knowledge and an afternoon to kill could buy a kit and build their very own drone.

Until a few years ago, though, nobody would have thought of drones as regular-person toys. The few buyable products still cost thousands of dollars, basically required a PhD to fly, and were used for things like filming blockbuster movies. Then, in 2010, Parrot showed up at CES and wowed the tech industry conference with the AR Drone. Parrot's quadcopter was controlled by an iphoness or ipods Touch, had cameras on the front and back for capturing awesome aerial footage, and transformed piloting a drone into something like an augmented-reality game. Most important, the AR Drone was easy to fly. Parrot had included all those smartphones sensors and used them to program the AR Drone to keep itself stable. You still had to direct the drone around, but it kept itself steady and aloft. That was huge.

It was in 2013 that consumer drones really began to—ahem—take off. That's when a company called Dà-Jiāng Innovations bet365体育赛事 and Technology Co. Ltd, better known as DJI, introduced the Phantom. DJI had spent the previous few years building software it hoped would power lots of drones, but found the hardware wanting. So CEO Frank Wang and his team built their own: a white 2.2-pound quadcopter ready to fly right out of the box. The Phantom could perform clever preprogrammed stunts and camera tricks at the touch of a button, and even if you screwed up it was programmed to automatically fly back to you. DJI made the first drone that wasn't a toy or a tool. It was both and then some. And it immediately made DJI the most important name in drones.

Since the first Phantom, everything has changed and nothing has. Drone companies developed new and better drones with new and better features, new and better cameras, and new and better safety elements. Some built bigger drones that could carry better cameras or carry small packages; others built tiny drones, just toys really, that cost less than a Lightning cable. You can now buy a drone that works underwater or takes off from the back of a dune buggy. The smartphones boom continued to fuel drone innovation, and Intel and Qualcomm even began to work on drone-specific chips and software. Drones gained the ability to automatically avoid obstacles, to stay steady in strong winds, and to fly further and higher for longer. Right now you can get a drone with a 4K camera, 30 minutes of battery life, and a range of more than four miles, that can hover autonomously and avoid obstacles without your help, for about $1,000.

Guess who makes that drone: DJI. No matter how fast the market changes, DJI keeps winning. From the ridiculously powerful Matrice line to the more entry-level Spark, nobody makes better drones. And nobody sells more, either: DJI owns as much as 70 percent of the drone market. The list of its failed competitors continues to grow. 3D Robotics (which was founded by former WIRED editor-in-chief Chris Anderson) and GoPro both made big entries into the drone business, and both failed to best DJI. Startups like Lily Robotics and Zano fell apart before even getting close. Even Parrot has mostly given up on drones. DJI's only real competitor, Yuneec, shares most of DJI's advantages: It's based near its factories and research facilities in China and can simply work faster and more effectively as a result.

The personal drone market is not smartphones-level huge—the FAA expects that 4.3 million hobbyist drones will be sold in 2020—but it's growing fast. And, ultimately, you and your kids taking epic videos in the park will only be a tiny slice of the pie. The skies may one day be filled with drones, but they'll mostly be flown for business reasons. Probably. Hard to say, right now. There's one big question left to answer before anyone can get busy inventing the future.

The Future of Drones

If you want to panic a drone enthusiast, just say these three words: Federal, Aviation, and Administration. The FAA's job is to regulate the skies, making sure everything that flies does so responsibly. Over the past few years, the agency has taken a keen, somewhat wary, interest in drones. It has slowly rolled out new regulations for how users can fly drones and what those drones can do. Ultimately, FAA rules and not the tech itself will decide what drones can accomplish.

For instance: Unmanned drones being used for commercial purposes currently cannot weigh more than 55 pounds, which rules out drone taxis and huge cargo ships. Anything you're flying has to stay in your line of sight, and operators can only control one drone at a time, so companies won't be able to command their fleets from an office. You can only fly during the day, and never in congested or sensitive areas. (The FAA does grant waivers to these rules on a case-by-case basis, though, so your diapers-by-drone delivery service can skirt the rules in some cases.) These rules have led drone-curious companies to test their products outside the US, where regulations are either looser or nonexistent.

There's more regulation to come in the next several years, and the FAA in May authorized 10 pilot projects around the country that will test various buzz-worthy schemes. For now, let's imagine the most wide-open regulatory scenario, in which drone operators can do just about anything they want. Almost immediately, drones will start to perform new tasks and capabilities. Ever since Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos debuted Prime Air on 60 Minutes, anyone who delivers anything now wants to do it with drones. Amazon has been testing Prime Air by flying small packages into a few customers' yards in the UK, and is hoping for a broader rollout soon. Meanwhile, Domino's is dropping pizzas all over New Zealand and Zipline is bringing medicine to rural areas of Rwanda (and angling for work in the US). UPS is looking into delivering your package by driving a truck into your neighborhood and then dispersing a fleet of (presumably brown, shorts-wearing) drones to each individual house. Then they’d fly back to the truck and charge up on the way to the next neighborhood. Drones can go into unreachable or unsafe areas to assess the situation or drop off necessary supplies. They helped repair power lines in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria battered the island. Almost anywhere humans cannot or simply don't want to go, a drone can zip over and look around.

It won't just be one drone, either. Researchers and engineers are already starting to think of drones as "swarms," looking at how birds and insects fly in order to see how dozens or hundreds of drones might be able to work in concert. They could carry more cargo or split up inspection work, generally acting as a many-headed whole instead of a bunch of individual flying objects. Already, drone masses have been used in a Super Bowl halftime show and to assess damage and plan repairs in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.

More prosaically, real estate companies are using drones to shoot promotional footage and filmmakers have used them to reinvent the chase scene. A flying camera provides a useful view for the media, for wedding videos, and more. It's a valuable inspection tool, too, able to quickly traverse a bridge or field looking for problems—and, pretty soon, the same drone will fix those problems too. Drone racing is growing fast, and even shows up on ESPN—it's an awesome spectator sport, because you get to watch from a first person perspective, as if you're flying yourself. Sadly, the more sci-fi use cases are a ways off, like drone taxis that can scoop you up from your front door.

It's worth mentioning that anti-drone products are coming along just as fast as drones themselves. You can already buy a drone that catches other drones, a shotgun shell that releases weights and nets to drag drones down, or even a radio-frequency jammer that prevents them from flying at all. Researchers have even enlisted falcons and other birds of prey to attack and disable drones. The debate over what to do about a drone's ability to violate people's privacy or invade their space has led to an arms race of sorts: the drone-makers are trying to make their products fly higher and faster, while others try to keep them grounded.

There are plenty of reasons for people to worry: a camera that flies will soon do more than just take pictures. The camera in your phones is learning to recognize your face, to enable augmented reality, even to see in the dark with thermal or infrared imaging. This is another place where regulation matters: drones can already spot an individual person from thousands of feet up, and the Big Brother implications are terrifying. Drones, like anything else, can be used for spying and tracking and all sorts of privacy violations. Still, those same cameras will enable better flight, more fun features and games, and new uses for drones beyond what anyone has even thought of. Every time your phones's camera gets a little smarter and sharper, so does your drone.

Learn More
  • The FAA Relaxes Drone Restrictions With 10 New Programs
    In May of 2018, the Federal Aviation Administration approved 10 pilot programs to see how drones can be used in novel ways. Thanks to relaxed rules, quadcopters will soon be running safety checks at airports, delivering defibrillators around Reno, Nevada, helping the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma keep an eye on livestock herds, and more. No luck for Amazon or Uber's flying cars scheme, though—this first wave is all about do-goodery.

  • President Trump Moves to Fill America's Skies with Drones
    In October of 2017, President Donald Trump signed a memo that directed the Department of Transportation to start working on determining how businesses ought to use drones in US airspace. It's big for delivery companies, big for everyone working on farms and in the insurance biz, and a step toward the long-term regulations the drone industry is waiting for. While you're at it, maybe go ahead and register yours as well.

  • How Do Drones Fly? Physics, of Course!
    You don't have to understand how drones work in order to enjoy flying yours. But you might as well learn! All you really need is a basic knowledge of angular momentum and torque, which are simpler than they sound (we promise). Then you'll learn about thrust and drag, motion and weight, and you'll be annoying your friends with physics explanations before they even get liftoff. Er, sorry, before they achieve the proper net thrust to compensate for gravity and achieve vertical climb.

  • Uber's Flying Car Plan Meets the Regulator It Can't Ignore
    After years of steamrolling local taxi authorities and ignoring impotent city officials, Uber has started a battle where asking permission most definitely trumps asking forgiveness. The ride-hail giant seems quite serious about this flying car thing, but it won't get anywhere without the active help of the FAA, the agency that prioritizes safety above all. “The crawling and walking—we try to do it ‘off Broadway,’ in places where you can solve the problem without creating too much disruption,” FAA acting chief Dan Elwell said in May at Uber's Elevate conference.

  • Archaeologists Don't Always Need to Dig—They've Got Drones
    Archaeologists can fly a drone over the site of an ancient village and create a massive, three-dimensional model of the entire village. With only a GoPro and some clever mapping software for stitching the images together, they can see exactly where everyone was and how people lived. That model then becomes a virtual-reality exhibition, letting anyone travel to an ancient place without getting a speck of dust on them.

  • Gift Guide: 9 Drones for Every Kind of Pilot
    Drones come in so many shapes and sizes, with so many use cases and price tags, that picking the right one can be tough. We sorted through the many copycats and knockoffs to find the best drone at just about any price. Whether you want a tiny toy or the best camera on four rotors, it's easy to find the right thing. And, hopefully, easy to fly it.

  • Meet Charpu, the Drone-Racing Megastar Who Doesn’t Feel Like Racing
    Drone racing could be the Next Big Sport. It's fun to do, fun to watch, and the sort of thing almost anyone could at least attempt to do. To find out what it takes to be a great drone racer, we profiled Carlos Puertolas, better known as Charpu, one of the best drone racers in the world.

  • When Good Drones Go Bad
    Pretty soon the military will buy drones much like the ones consumers are getting now. That's how good the off-the-shelf stuff has gotten. But with that improvement comes risks: Anyone with an internet connection can now get their hands on a remarkable surveillance tool, and without much effort turn it into a stealthy, risk-free weapon.

  • How I Accidentally Kickstarted the Domestic Drone Boom
    By former WIRED editor in chief Chris Anderson: "What we will do with our personal drones? That question is just as unanswerable—but just as tantalizing—as the same question about personal computers back in 1977. When the Apple II came out, the answer was not much more than “Program it!” But over time, as regular people found uses for PCs in their own lives, they came up with better answers: word processors, spreadsheets, videogames, email, and, eventually, the web. Today we know what personal computers are for, but it took the liberation of the technology to show us."

  • Africa's Delivery Drones Are Zipping Past the US
    As the US drone industry awaits FAA regulation, eager companies are taking to international skies. One company, Zipline, has spent the past year or so working in Rwanda to deliver critical medical supplies to rural, hard-to-reach areas.

This guide was last updated on May 17, 2018.

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