Lights, camera, motion: best action cameras tested

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This article was taken from the November 2012 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by <span class="s1">subscribing online.

How we tested

To find out how these action cameras coped with fast motion, dirt, vibration and the occasional whack, we enlisted the help of motocross rider James Jadell. We were chiefly interested in the quality of the video footage each camera provided. But the final scores also take into account user-friendliness, portability and robustness.

JVC GC-XA1 (above)

This offers an interesting USP: Wi-Fi, which lets you use your PC, androids or ioses device as a viewfinder. Although the concept is sound, the execution is fiddly -- prone to an unexplained connection error -- and Mac OS isn't supported. But it's a fine camera: small, impervious to hazards (temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius, dust, water and impact) and capable of capturing 1080p video that's not far off the high quality of the GoPro's footage. Like the GoPro, it sports a broad range of video modes.

Wired: Tiny and tough

Tired: Unreliable Wi-Fi



GoPro HD Hero2

GoPro has become the go-to brand for action cameras. After putting the Outdoor Edition of the HD HERO2 through its paces, we can see why: it's tiny, sturdy, simple to use and its footage is a degree above anything else in this test. Images are sharp, colours vivid and the contrast is deep. The low-light footage displays relatively little noise, and this is the only camera here that shoots at up to 120fps for smooth ultra-slo-mo playback. Even the stills look punchy and crisp.

Wired: Sharp and stable video

Tired: Lack of inbuilt display



Drift HD

You'll need a £41.99 case to make the Drift HD fully waterproof but its simplicity is appealing. An LCD aids shot composition, and the rotatable lens allows you to mount the camera on its side. The case affects usability, making the buttons unresponsive to anything but the firmest push. Of the two mid-priced cameras, though, the Veho is champion in almost every area.

Wired: Simple controls and an easy set-up

Tired: Clumsy waterproof case



Oregon Scientific

Sturdy and waterproof without the need for an extra case, the Oregon Scientific ATC Mini appears to be a steal. However, its performance leaves a lot to be desired: the 720p video runs at a slow 30fps, but that's nothing next to the washed-out colours, vast amounts of grainy noise in low-light shots and the colour banding instead of smooth gradations from light to dark.

Wired: Low cost; rugged case

Tired: Grainy video unsuited to low light



Veho Muvi HD10

Despite being cheaper than the JVC and GoPro (even with the £59.95 waterproof casing), the Veho's footage isn't too far behind in terms of clarity and colour. It's not so good in low light, with distinct graininess. The lens's 160 degree field of view doesn't capture as much as a full fisheye, and the sensor is slower to react to sudden changes in brightness. Overall, this is a solid camera.

Wired: Vivid colour and clarity

Tired: Fussy touch controls



This article was originally published by WIRED UK