How to make a flipbook

This article was taken from the June 2013 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by <span class="s1">subscribing online.

You could lazily give away your short video creations on YouTube. Or, for around £10, you could create an amazing-looking flip-book. Here's how to go analogue.

1. Use a third of the screen Shoot a video and pare it down to the best six seconds you can find -- a baby yawning, a bride walking down the aisle etc. When shooting, divide the screen into three vertical slices of equal width. Make certain the subject of your video is in the far-right-hand third.

2. Download the software Download and install VirtualDub. Open your six-second video in Vdub and use the File-->Export-->Image Sequence to extract 180 images to a folder. Set Max # of Digits to three. Print as photos. Divide the stacks by even/odd images.

3. Analogue edit the video You now have a spare copy in case you damage the first one. Trim the photos to your desired flip-book size, removing at least 3-4mm from the top and bottom edges. Trim the right-hand edge as much as possible without cutting away the subject of your video.

4. Prepare the binding Drill two holes in the left edge to create the flip-book's spine/binding -- one hole 15mm from the top and a second hole 15mm from the bottom. Use two small pieces of wood above and below the stack of photos to prevent the drill bit from ripping your photo paper.

5. Give it a spine Now use two binding posts (also called Chicago binding posts) to secure your flip-book. The size of your binding posts will determine the size of the holes you drilled in step four. We'd recommends four- to five-millimetre-diameter binding posts.

6. Get it covered You can create a custom photo with text for a cover. Another option is to cut a small scrap of leather to wrap around the spine, but you'll need to drill or puncture holes in the leather at the exact same distances chosen during the step above.

This article was originally published by WIRED UK