ArgoCultureMark Your Calendars: The Most Exciting Movies, TV, and Books Coming in 2014By Angela WatercutterCultureJack Kirby's Art for the Fake Movie in Argo Goes Up for AuctionBy Angela WatercutterCultureHow to Sound Smart During the Oscars: A Cheat SheetBy Angela WatercutterCultureWhy Ben Affleck's Oscar Snub Might Be a Good Thing and Other Nomination ObservationsBy Angela WatercutterCultureWired Oscars: Share Your Picks for the 2013 Academy Award NomineesBy Laura HudsonCulture*The Monitor'*s 10 Favorite Things of 2012By Peter RubinCultureIt's a Triple Creature Feature on The Monitor This WeekBy Peter RubinCultureReview: CIA Plays the Hero for a Change in White-Knuckle Thriller ArgoBy Hugh HartCultureBen Affleck on <cite>Argo'</cite>s High-Octane Blend of Thrills and ComedyBy Carina ChocanoCultureArgo Artifacts: Spy Exhibit Unveils Real-Life Props Used in CIA OpBy Angela WatercutterCultureFirst Trailer for Ben Affleck's Wired-Inspired CIA Thriller, ArgoBy Angela WatercutterCultureReport: Ben Affleck To Treat Actors as 'Hostages' to Prep for ArgoBy Hugh HartThe Big StoryHow the CIA Used a Fake Sci-Fi Flick to Rescue Americans in IranBy Joshuah Bearman