camouflageThe Big StoryHow Cubism Protected Warships in World War IBy Marty GrahamScienceSecrets of the Flamboyant Cuttlefish's DisplayBy Mary BatesScienceHow Do Chameleons Change Colors?By Mary BatesScienceNanostructures Make Viper Skin Ultra-Black and StealthyBy Laura PoppickDesign'City' Camouflage Restores Lost ViewsBy Liat Clark - Wired UKDesignAnti-Drone Camouflage: What to Wear in Total SurveillanceBy Tim MalySecurityArmy Plots New Infrared 'Obscurants' to Thicken the Fog of WarBy Benjamin PlackettSecurityPerfume of War: Iran Makes Musk to Conceal TroopsBy Robert BeckhusenSecurityDarpa's Magic Plan: 'Battlefield Illusions' to Mess With Enemy MindsBy Noah ShachtmanSecurityInvisibility's Next Frontier: Scientists Cloak 3-D ObjectsBy Katie DrummondSecurity'Invisibility Cloak' Makes Tanks Look Like CowsBy Mark BrownSecurityProject Run-a-Way: The Craziest Combat OutfitsBy Lena GroegerMotor: How Car Companies Hide Prototypes From Spying EyesBy Cliff KuangScienceSpider's Color-Changing Camouflage Is a MysteryBy Susan Milius, bet365体育赛事 News