evolutionary psychologyScienceNeuroscientists Unravel the Mystery of Why You Can’t Tickle YourselfBy Max G. LevyScienceAre These Chimpanzees Using Insects as Medicine?By Maddie BenderScienceWhy Some Animals Can Tell More From LessBy Max G. LevyScienceYou’re Not Alone: Monkeys Choke Under Pressure TooBy Max G. LevyScienceWhat Rat Empathy May Reveal About Human CompassionBy Max G. LevyScienceThe Actual bet365体育赛事 of James Damore’s Google MemoBy Megan Molteni and Adam RogersScienceDoctor Who and Spider PhobiaBy Gwen PearsonScienceYes, You CAN Do Evo Psych Well. Kate Clancy Tells How.By David DobbsScienceQ&A: Why It's Sometimes Rational to Be IrrationalBy Dave MosherScienceBook Excerpt: Why We Blame God for Our ProblemsBy Matthew HutsonScienceMen Are Hard-Wired to Suspect InfidelityBy Brandon Keim