magazine-29.03IdeasWhile Jack Dorsey Mans the Monastery By Virginia HeffernanIdeasThe Secret, Essential Geography of the OfficeBy Paul FordThe Big StoryThe Lion, the Polygamist, and the Biofuel ScamBy Vince BeiserThe Big StoryMay I Borrow Your Covid Immunity?By Roxanne KhamsiThe Big StoryYour Body, Your Self, Your Surgeon, His InstagramBy Katherine LaidlawIdeasClimate Change Needs an Operation Warp SpeedBy Clive ThompsonThe Big StoryI Am Not a Soldier, but I Have Been Trained to KillBy Rachel MonroeGearThe Best of CES 2021By Gear TeamThe Big StoryThe Unsettling Truth About the ‘Mostly Harmless’ HikerBy Nicholas ThompsonIdeasDo I Have a Moral Obligation to Be On TikTok?By Meghan O'GieblynThe Big StoryA 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due: Has Tech Destroyed Society?By Steven LevyGearThe Right Way Hook Your Laptop Up to a TVBy Whitson GordonBusinessGoogle’s Antitrust Cases: A Guide for the PerplexedBy Gilad EdelmanBusinessThe Future of Social Media Is All TalkBy Arielle Pardes