personalized medicineIdeasThe End of One-Size-Fits-All Health CareBy Angela SainiCultureThe Aftermath of a 'Miracle Cure' for a Rare CancerBy James TaberyScienceHow a ‘Living Drug’ Could Treat Autoimmune DiseaseBy Emily MullinGearCan a Test Tell You Which Pills to Pop With Just a Prick?By Christopher NullIdeasThe Promise—and Heartbreak—of Cancer GenomicsBy Jason PontinScienceThis New Alzheimer’s Test Looks Beyond a Single Problem GeneBy Megan MolteniBusiness23andMe Teams With Big Pharma to Find Treatments Hidden in Our DNABy Davey AlbaBusinessChinese Crunch Human Genome With Videogame ChipsBy Eric SmalleyScienceScience as Search: Sergey Brin to Fund Parkinson's StudyBy WIRED Staff