Tinfoil TuesdaySecurityFalse Flags, Fake Blood, and Michelle Obama: A Guide to the Boston Marathon ConspiraciesBy Robert BeckhusenSecurityWhite House Can't Afford Its Shapeshifting Alien Reptile GuardsBy Robert BeckhusenSecurityNo, U.S. Mole-Men Are Not Causing Haiti's EarthquakesBy Arikia MillikanSecuritySorry, That's Not Really Saddam's Sword You're BuyingBy Spencer AckermanSecurityIsraeli Nukes Triggered Fukushima Quake, Crackpot ClaimsBy Katie DrummondSecurityPentagon Denies Downing Russian Mars ProbeBy Spencer AckermanSecurityNo, The U.S. Did Not Give Hugo Chavez CancerBy Spencer AckermanSecurityIran's Flying Saucer Downed U.S. Drone, Engineer ClaimsBy Spencer Ackerman and Noah ShachtmanSecurityWhite House Denies CIA Teleported Obama to MarsBy Spencer AckermanSecurityDoes This Mexican Compound House Tons of U.S. Spies?By Spencer Ackerman