Absurd Creatures | The Goofy-Looking Bird That Kicks the Bejeezus Out of Snakes
Released on 07/25/2016
[Voiceover] What do you get when you mix an eagle, a stork
and a bad hair day?
It's the secretary bird.
Perhaps the strangest avian, in all of Africa.
Weirdly for a bird of prey,
it spends it's time hunting on the ground.
In a totally bad-ass way.
As it strolls through the savanna,
it keeps it's eye out for insects and lizards
and even snakes.
But typically, it doesn't peck them to death.
No, it kicks the ever-loving crap out of them, like so.
Let's get some dramatic music for this slo-mo.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Oh yeah.
As you can see,
this bird has some serious reach.
After all, it's four feet tall.
It's crazy powerful too.
It can kick with a force
over five times it's own body weight.
That's particularly impressive when you consider
the bird isn't getting a running start with the kick.
The strike is so quick, the foot only contacts prey
for ten milliseconds.
That's handy when hunting snakes.
As an extra precaution,
those legs are heavily scaled in case something
tries to fight back.
So can the secretary bird kick it?
Yes it can!
90's Hip-Hop reference!
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