Absurd Creatures | Fish Think They're Safe From Birds But the Kingfisher Is Like LOL
Released on 05/30/2016
[Narrator] Ah the life of a fish.
So serene, so safe from the many predators on land.
Absolutely no way a bird could plummet out of a tree
and murder your.
(dramatic music)
Well, never mind then.
That was a kingfisher.
So named because it's good a fishing for kings or something.
You'll find the often brilliantly colored kingfishers
all over the world.
Their favorite haunts are rivers and ponds,
anything aquatic really.
Typically the bird will post up on a branch
or hover over the water
keeping an eye out for fish below.
Hovering is all the more impressive
consider the kingfisher has to keep it's head steady
while beating it's wings eight times a second.
And keep in mind because of the way light bends
when it hits water,
to the bird the fish won't appear where it is actually is.
But in a flash the kingfisher strikes,
firing into the water and either
snagging or spearing the fish like a boss.
Then it's back to the perch
where the bird bashes the prey to knock it out cold
and swallows it whole.
But that means the kingfisher is getting
indigestible junk like bone.
So, when it's done digesting the good stuff,
it coughs up the bone as a pellet like an owl wood.
And walah,
the sad life cycle of the kingfisher's victim.
Not so uppity anymore now,
are we?
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