Autopia - Lit Motors C1
Released on 05/24/2012
(distant roar)
(calm electronic music)
Hey, this Damon with WIRED and this is the Lit Motor C1.
(serene rock music)
If you're anything like me, you value your life which is
probably one of the reason you don't own a motorcycle.
That said, though, 80% of the population drives one car
with one person in it to work everyday.
That means we got clogged roads, we've got a ton
of other issues we have to deal with on a regular basis
and that's where this comes in.
This is the C1
from San Francisco, California based Lit Motors.
(joyful soft rock music)
It is a fully electric motorcycle but it's fully enclosed
and the production model's gonna have air bags
and infotainment and all that and eventually
it's gonna be an all wheel drive bike.
So that's not the cool part though.
The cool part is there's two gyros mounted beneath
the passenger and driver and that allows the C1
to stay up right no matter what condition it is.
So you can literally push on it with the weight
of about a baby elephant and it will stay bolt upright.
You can go through corners relatively quickly
and there's no worry about it capsizing or toppling over
If another vehicle hits it,
it can stay up right the entire time.
(calm rock music)
So this is the first prototype of the C1.
It's kind of a rolling proof of concept.
The lad for them to work on as they work
on the production model.
Now when it goes on sale in 2014, it'll have a top speed
of 120 miles per hour, a range of over 200 miles,
and more importantly it'll be about $24,000.
If they hit the market right within two years of that,
it'll be down to $16,000 and has the potential
to revolutionize the way we get around.
Starring: Mike Ruocco, Damon Lavrinc
Director: Annaliza Savage
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