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Doctor Debunks Common Health Myths

Emergency medicine physician Dr. Italo Brown covers some common myths about our health and explains how true they actually are. Can you die from a broken heart? Is a migraine just a bad headache? Is vaping safe?

Released on 07/09/2020


If I come up to a person and they're lying down

and I realize that they don't have pulses,

I should immediately start doing CPR.

A lot of people tell you to do them to the beat

of Stayin' Alive by The Bee Gees

so imagine like really pumping on somebody's chest singing

♪ Ah ah ah ah staying alive ♪

[cheerful instrumental music]

Hey, I'm Dr. Italo Brown, emergency physician

in Palo Alto, California.

Today we're gonna try to debunk some of the myths

about your health and some of the things

that you've been using on a day to day basis

that might not be so good.

You can't die from a broken heart.

Broken heart syndrome is real.

You could actually die [heart thumps]

from a broken heart.

We got a really nifty Japanese name for it

called takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

The word takotsubo is describing a pot, like a octopus pot.

The heart takes on the shape of that octopus pot.

In these situations where you have intense feelings,

you have stress that is applied instantaneously.

So imagine answering the phones to find out

that a loved one has passed.

It can cause somebody's heart to actually change shape.

The ventricles, or the part that forces blood

around the body can bulb out like a balloon,

and we call that apical ballooning.

When that heart starts to change shapes,

it can lead to something that's not common

or native to the heart,

and that can lead to sudden death.

We tend to follow the same regimen

that we would follow for someone who comes in

with other chest pain-like features,

specifically severe chest pains.

Anyone who has an emotional response, who is sentient,

has the capacity to have this issue.

You should put butter on a burn.

You should definitely not put butter on a burn.

We're not baking bread.

It's probably one of the worst things to put on a burn.

In most pre-hospital management of burns,

we do not recommend using any creams, any lotions,

whatever else is in your refrigerator,

so not put that on a burn.

Those chemicals can actually worsen the surface

that is burned.

The most severe burns that I worry about are ones

that happen to the areas of the face, the hands, the groin.

These burns can potentially damage a lot

of other underlying function

and can lead to long-term dysfunction.

So if that happens,

come to the emergency department immediately.

Depending on the surface area covered,

a burn wound can actually draw water from the body

and leave you dehydrated

so it's important to have adequate hydration,

which is why we admit a lot of folks

who have complicated burns of second degree

or third degree nature.

The most common thing that we say do

is put it under cold water,

and then try to isolate that injury.

Cracking your knuckles is bad.

Cracking your knuckles doesn't necessarily lead to

any bad outcomes.

Most of us where told this as kids

because it was just annoying.

It didn't have anything to do

with the real medical element to it.

The sound that we hear though,

[knuckle cracks]

is something that frightens people or is awkward.

We're usually thinking that that's bone on bone action

when in factuality, it's about the fluid

in between the joints.

So synovial fluid helps to lubricate those joints.

When we crack our knuckles, it's really just an air pocket

being burst and that's what the sound is.

Most folks believe that putting pressure on joints

or consistently cracking these joints will lead to

some form of arthritis,

and that's not necessarily true.

We understand that arthritis is usually a condition

that develops over time,

and whether you crack your knuckles or not,

it can still happen.

When you start to crack other parts of the body and joints,

some of them actually are super relieving.

You know, cracking a hip, that might make someone feel

extremely better and move around a little bit more agile.

When cracking is accompanied by pain,

that may be an indicator to go see your normal physician

and then, in some cases, it may even require an orthopedist

or physical therapy.

I typically don't recommend cracking your neck

because if you're pushing your neck beyond

its normal range of motion,

you might be stretching blood vessels

that are surrounding that and cause a rupture that way.

So it's not so much the cracking sound but it's the motion

and the exertion of force

that can lead to a secondary issue.

I would recommend just stretching

and, you know, crack your knuckles.

Sometimes, you know, you need that. [laughs]

CPR is effective if someone flatlines.

CPR is an extremely useful procedure.

It's part of basic life support.

I think that it's extremely valuable for people to know

how to do basic life support, particularly compressions,

because of all the things that we know,

this actually saves lives.

Flatlining is an absence of cardiac activity

when you look at a cardiac monitor.

[monitor beeps] Most people describe it as

that sound boop with the flatline across.

We're talking about the actual heart electrical activity.

Like CPR is an entire process,

whereas what we're discussing specifically

are chest compressions.

That's the hand over hand applying force

to the external portion of the body to create

that force to drive blood around.

Doing that, compressions, adding ventilation,

or breathing in somebody's mouth or using a breathing aid

to apply oxygen to the lungs,

and then doing this in succession

to eventually bring someone back

or regain pulses, regain cardiac activity.

If I come up to a person and they're lying down

and I realize that they don't have pulses

I should immediately start doing CPR.

And these compressions are supposed to be

about two inches deep and are supposed to be fast,

like rapid compressions.

So I almost expect, in that first compression,

to break through ribs

because you need to create enough force to push blood flow

around the entire body.

A lot of people tell you to do them to the beat

of Stayin' Alive by The Bee Gees.

So imagine like really pumping on somebody's chest singing

♪ Ah ah ah ah staying alive ♪

That's pretty much what we do.

Someone who is trained as a first responder

or who has received basic life support training

can initiate CPR.

CPR, when done properly, can actually resuscitate people.

Tilting your head back will stop a nosebleed.

So most people instinctively think to lean their head back

as if their like trying to use gravity to keep the blood

from going down their nose,

but really it's pulling it down the back part of the nose,

the nasopharynx, and that directly connects to your airway

so if the bleeding is so profuse or so brisk

that it's filling up the mouth,

it can compromise your breathing.

That's dangerous.

So we typically tell people to lean forward

and pinch their nose really hard.

With most bleeding, the goal is to apply pressure

to the direct side the bleed.

And because you can't reach into the nose

and actually like tack down the artery,

we usually recommend grabbing the cartilaginous

or the cartilage portion of the nose instead of the bridge.

There are different reasons why nosebleeds can occur.

The most common reason is direct trauma

or irritation of some part of the membranes inside the nose.

So there are like small capillaries there that can rupture.

The main goal is does the bleeding stop

by just applying pressure?

It's completely manageable at home,

however if you start to have like worsening symptoms

like repeat or recurrent bleeds, lightheadedness, dizziness,

if the bleeding is extremely quick,

you need to get in a car and go to the emergency department,

but don't tilt your head back in the car. [laughs]

A migraine is just a bad headache.

This is not necessarily false

but it's poor understanding of the difference

between migraines and headaches.

So when we think about headaches in general,

this is tension in the head,

it can be something that is pounding or pulsatile.

The difference with a migraine, though, is...

So we're talking about multiple hours to days

of unrelenting pain.

The main characteristic is that

this is extremely painful and debilitating.

It stops your normal function of activities,

which is why we treat them so seriously.

When you talk about migraines,

you can have a simple migraine or a complex migraine.

We usually think about complex migraines as having an aura

or other features that are more sensotory to them

besides just the pain element.

You might feel dizziness,

you might feel ringing

in the ears, [bell rings]

or some visual changes, blurry vision.

These things come with complex migraines,

and it can be extremely debilitating.

So if you're at home and you start to feel that migraine

build up a little bit,

I usually recommend that someone goes to a very quiet space

in their home, turn off all the lights,

take their standard medications, and drink some water.

Sometimes caffeine helps.

So people will drink a tall cup of coffee

to help abate some of those symptoms.

Those are simple things that you can do at home

to try to treat a migraine.

But if it ever lasts longer than four to six hours

after you do this, or several days of you trying

these preventative measures, come see us.

Vaping is safe.

This is 100% false.

Vaping is not safe.

We know that vaping is a trendy thing now

that people are doing.

This is electronic cigarettes.

Usually it's got some type of a cartridge

with nicotine as a product mixed in with other products

and compounds so that you can aerosolize it and inhale.

We started to realize that it is so extremely harmful

that it can lead to long hospital admissions and ICU stays.

One of the things that people have traced

the particular hazards of vaping to is vitamin E.

A lot of these compounds that people are putting in

to the cartridge and fluid of a vaping pen

haven't been studied well.

That vitamin E compound has been known to destroy

the small air pockets of the lung know alveoli.

This is where the harm starts.

We call that acute lung injury.

We know that this leads to people having

severe lung dysfunction.

We understand that it also ruins the lung's ability

to actually grab oxygen from the bloodstream

because of that material that's coating the alveoli.

Most people switch from tobacco to this product

because they find that they wanna be less likely to have

lung cancer but still need nicotine

because there is an addiction to nicotine.

That is why it was initially thought as

a harm reduction measure.

It actually increases the type of harm that you can have.

It just shifts it over from one type to another.

'Cause if you do have nicotine addiction

and you need help stopping that particular craving,

there are so many programs that will work with you

to figure out like do you need just counseling?

Is there a need for a medication assistance or patches?

These are known ways to curve the appetite of nicotine.

I don't recommend vaping.

I think that it's harmful.

It think that it is a habit that can lead to someone

losing their life or their ability to breathe freely.

So put the pens down, y'all.

Vicks VapoRub can be used anywhere on the body.

These mentholated topical ointments cannot be used

in every locations in the body,

specifically they cannot be ingested.

If you even look at one of the canisters,

it has a warning label that says,

Do not swallow this.

I know this because I've watched my grandfather,

he used to swallow a nice little dab of Vicks,

as well as rub it all over his chest

and underneath his nose.

He said it helped him fight a cold.

Well, now that I'm a ER physician,

I've heard those same stories,

but they don't always end the same way.

So I don't recommend using Vicks VapoRub in other locationss

than already designated by the manufacturers.

I also don't recommend ingesting anything that has

the toxic property camphor.

That's the key element.

You have to read the labels.

Just put it on your chest.

Walk around smelling like you're 78 years old.

It's fine.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

This is one of the most ridiculous things

I've ever heard. [laughs]

If it were that easy to keep doctors away,

I promise you apples wouldn't cost 59 cents,

they'd be far more expensive.

If you're just literally basing it on a Granny Smith apple,

I'm a tell you right now that's not gonna work.

The only thing that I can think of right off the bat

that you can do daily that helps your immune system

is to eat a well-rounded meal,

and that goes for children all the way through older adults.

All the necessary nutrients,

you have all your macromolecules in it,

some serving of fruits, vegetables,

maybe a little bit of grain, some form of protein,

something that's going to give you the building blocks

that your body needs to do the processes through the day

to keep you moving.

[cheerful instrumental music]

I'm Dr. Italo Brown just reminding you guys

take your health seriously.

Be careful about the information

that you hear floating around.

If it sounds weird, if it has some type of odd

little story to it,

chances are it might not be true.

We only have one body.

It's important to know what you put on your body

and in your body.

Let's go ahead and talk to our doctors

and have a good conversation with them,

and you do everything in your power to stay informed.

Starring: Dr. Italo Brown
