E3 2012: Injustice - Gods Among Us
Released on 06/05/2012
(fast-paced electronic music)
The Mortal Kombat team has recently updated
its classic fighting game franchise for modern times.
Now, that same team is turning its attention
to the DC Universe, with a new game,
called Injustice: Gods Among Us.
We spoke with Mortal Kombat creator Ed Boon
about how his team is creating a game
that will make you feel like you're
in a knock-down drag-out fight between two superheros.
Well, I never really looked
at the past superhero fighting games as being flawed.
I do feel like our team has always felt
like the constant of the superhero game,
of the kinda whole battle of the gods things,
hasn't really been represented to the scale
that we'd always want to do and that's really
what we're trying to do here, is just really do something
that's as big in scale as you can think of
when you think of somebody as almost infinitely powerful
as Superman, or something like that.
Environments have traditionally been just
kinda like a backdrop for the fighting experience.
The environment just is like a pretty painting
in behind you.
We really wanted to kinda put tools out there, so, you know,
you're gonna see a parked car on the left side.
If you're Superman, you can go over
to that parked car, pick it up and slam it on your opponent
and you can do that as part of your arsenal of moves.
If you're Batman, you can throw explosive batarangs at it
and use it from a distance and so that's
that kinda different use of characters on top
of just the normal fighting that we have,
as well as transitions, you know, giant big events
that transition you into a new arena with a new pallet
of things that you can do.
That's the experience we really wanted to give people.
It's similar to Mortal Kombat, in that it's a fighting game
and that's probably the extent of it, you know.
We certainly did not want to just skin Mortal Kombat
with Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman and whatnot.
We really wanted to create a different experience.
We're gonna have blood in the game,
we're gonna have damage on the characters,
damage on the backgrounds
and we're really kind of replacing gratuitous violence
with over-the-top events.
So if you think of Mortal Kombat as probably more enclosed,
more micromanaging events,
whereas this game it's gigantic, huge events.
Instead of throwing somebody across the play-field,
you're throwing them across another city block, you know
and you're doing things at a much bigger massive scale.
So, I think it's kinda like you can imagine Mortal Kombat
on steroids, on steroids, you know, times 10.
(fast-paced electronic music)
Starring: Mike Ruocco, Chris Kohler
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