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Will Ferrell & Kristen Wiig Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions

Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell visit WIRED to answer their most searched questions from Google. Can Will Ferrel speak Spanish? Was Kristen Wiig a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader? Is Will Ferrel really singing in the movie 'Step Brothers?' What are Kristen Wiig's best Saturday Night Live sketches? Will and Kristen answer these questions and more on the WIRED Autocomplete Interview.

DESPICABLE ME 4 is in theaters now

Director: Justin Wolfson
Editor: Louis Lalire
Talent: Will Ferrell; Kirsten Wiig
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Brandon White; Paul Guylas
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Talent Booker: Meredith Judkins
Production Assistant: Sonia Butt
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds
Special Thanks: Glass Engine

Released on 07/08/2024


Hi, I'm Will Ferrell.

And I'm Kristen Wiig.

And this is the [keyboard clicks]

Wired Auto Complete Interview.

[upbeat music]

Is Will Ferrell good at baseball?

Is that proper English?

Are Will Ferrell?

Is Will, no, I think it is.

Yeah, okay.

[upbeat music]

Okay, so, you're gonna hold this one.


[Kristen] Can Will Ferrell...

[Will] Hmm.

Speak Spanish?

[Will speaking Spanish]

[Kristen laughs]

[Will speaking Spanish]

So, it's great. So yes.

So, it's great.

Yes. Okay, yeah.

Is Will Ferrell good at baseball?

Well, I think that what that's referring to

is a HBO special where I played 10 different positions

for professional baseball teams in one day.

Was I good? Yes, yes.

Thank you.

Okay, What instruments can Will Ferrell play?

Oh my gosh.

I can play the xylophones.

I can play the double necked bass.

I can play vibes.

I can play trumpet.

Also, cornet.

I play bass, standup bass.

I play a viola.

I play a cello.

I play a piano.

I play the tiny little piano from the 1700s, the Minaret.

That's it?

That's my specialty.


So I guess, So that's...

Sorta the answer.

Yeah. Okay.

Why does Will Farrell have drumsticks in Barbie?

Oh, when I was talking to Greta,

the director, Greta Gerwig.

Yeah. Yeah.

I said, Wouldn't it be just weird

and kind of jackass if my character just had drumsticks?

That's the only reason.

And she said yes. She said yes.

And we made 'em pink.

[Kristen laughs]

[board hitting floor]

Next board, ooh.

This is me.

Oh God. My turn.

Was Kristen Wiig a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader?

Thank you, but no.

Wait, do people...

Did you think about it once?

I've never.

Be honest, did you audition?

No, I didn't, I didn't.

But have you watched

that Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders reality show?



I'm surprised by that one.

Is Kristen Wiig on Instagram?

No, I am not.

Yeah. I am not on Instagram

or Twitter or X. Any sort of social?



Facebook, nothing.

So if you think you're following me...

Are you on ClipClop?

I have a private account.

On ClipClop. Yeah.

Which is for horse enthusiasts.


Yes. Kind of like TikTok.

But it's for horse enthusiasts.


There's only 16 people on it.

16, not a lot of followers.

Don't invest in ClipClop by the way.


It just says, Kristen Wiig impressions.

Do it.

[Will and Kristen laughing]

Go for it.

I can do a Kristen Wiig impression.

Can you do, yeah, do your best Kristen Wiig.

So I guess, I don't know.

Wait, let me close.

I wanna close my eyes and see if it sounds like you.


Hey Will, it's Kristen.

I don't know, what's going on.

That's so good.

Is it good?

Thanks, thanks.

It's not one of my better ones, but.

And you haven't been practicing at all.

No, not that one.

Oh, Kristen Wiig best SNL skits.


What are the best ones?

What are the best ones?

According to you?

According to me? [laughs]

I don't know.

I can't answer that.

I mean.

Target lady.

Yes. Yeah, right?



Dooneese. Dooneese.


It's hard for me to say what,

I can say that I had fun doing all of them.

Throw it away.

[board clacking]

Is Will Ferrell in Despicable Me 4?

Regrettably, no.

They cut me out.

But thanks for coming.

Yeah, I just thought, Oh, I'll do press.

Yeah. Yeah.

That's what a good guy you are.

Yeah, I'm a team player.

Okay, Is Will Ferrell left-handed?

I am.

Oh, you are? I'm left-handed.

Well, I'm actually ambidextrous.


So I do all sports right-handed, but I'm..

That's interesting.

Yeah. Okay.

I didn't know that about you.

Oh, when I play Minaret,

when I do my solos with my right hand.


So you like to play the piano with just one hand, not two?

I'm a one-handed player.


Is Will Ferrell really singing in Step Brothers?


Yeah, I am.

Okay. So there.

[Kristen laughing]

Does Will Ferrell?

I feel like people, that was like a challenging question.

Yeah. Yeah.

Was like, Was that you? Yeah.

Huh. Huh.

Okay, does--

They're probably like, I can tell 'cause it's not good.

Does Will Ferrell ever break character?

Sure, yeah. Yeah.

I like to have some giggles here and there.


But I feel like you and I share the same,

it's tough for us to break.

We're pretty good at...

I don't want, 'cause also for me.

Yeah. Truthfully, once I go,

I can't bring it back.

You can't bring it back.

I have a really hard time. Yeah.

Yeah, okay. Even though

it's kind of fun when it does happen on occasion.

On occasion. Right.

Did Will Ferrell really break the Mark Twain award?

Oh no, that was a fake one.


That was a fake one.

But you really broke a real fake one.

I broke a real fake one.

And the crowd thought it was real.

It worked. It did.

It worked. People are asking about it.

People are asking about it, yeah.

It's a lot of people talking about it.

[board hitting floor]

What is Kristen Wiig's new movie?

Despicable Me 4. [laughs] Despicable Me 4.

Yes. Tell me about it.

'Cause it was great when I was working on it,

but then they cut me out of it, but.

Oh, I think they gave me your part.

So I'm paying two parts.

You're doing two parts? I'm doing Maxime.

Was that you? Maxime, that was me.

Okay, so I'm doing it, I'm doing your part.

Hope that's not weird. [laughs]

What was Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig dancing to?

Oh, Fluffing a Duck.


It's called Fluffing a Duck.

Fluffing a Duck.

If you're referring to the Golden Globes.

[Kristen] Oh wait.

But if you're referring to our Lifetime movie

we made together.

Oh, which they probably aren't.

[Kristen and Will laughing]

What were we dancing to then in the kitchen?

Who knows, right?

I remember that my back was like out, remember?

And I couldn't really move. Yes.

You can see by the way I'm dancing

that I'm not really moving.

But we're really jazzing out as a family.


One of the best endings of a movie ever.

Oh, so good.

Can Kristen Wiig sing?

Of course she can.

She has a beautiful voice. Thank you.

She's one of the top 70 singers in the world.

What? Yeah.

70? You're in the top 70.

Where is this list?

You didn't see Billboard's Top 100 Singers in the World?


You're at number 70. 70, wow.

So there's your answer.

You're higher than Adele.

She's 71.

Well, as I should be.


Oh. You got one more.

No, no, no. Oh, I got one more.

Don't throw it. Oh.

Kristen Wiig funny face.

That's all it says.

So are people Googling

they wanna see an image of me making a funny face?

I guess so.

Or are they saying that I have a funny face?

I think they're saying...

I think they're saying I have a funny face.

No, I think they're saying your comedy, you've made-

Is all up here.

You've made many a funny faces.

Neck up. Yeah.

[board hitting floor]

That's all the boards that we have.


Thanks for Googling.

Thanks for Googling.

We're gonna wrap this up. Really appreciate it.

And we're gonna... Get in our van.


Where are we off to next?

We're off to the desert Southwest.

Wish us luck.

[Producer] Great, that's it.

And cut. [Kristen laughing]

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