HoloLens + NASA = Amazing
Released on 05/20/2016
Hey guys, I'm Brent Rose.
Writer and guy who wishes he had three hands.
So, here at Wired we've talking a lot about mixed reality.
What you might think of as a hybrid
between the virtual world and the real one.
We've seen a lot of really cool
theoretical applications for it already,
but today we're here at NASA's
Jet Propulsion Laboratory to see how they're using
bleeding edge technology like the Microsoft HoloLens
right now to design spacecraft and chart missions on Mars.
Spoiler alert. It's even cooler than it sounds.
(hip hop drum beat)
Welcome to Mars.
[Brent] Cool. Thank you. Good to be here.
So, this device is tracking you as you move.
So you can walk anywhere in the this room.
You can crouch down and look at the rocks.
As you look around, everything you're seeing
is real data sent back by
either the Curiosesity Mars rover
or by satellites in orbit.
Is it photos or is it a 3D scan?
These are actual photos.
[Brent] It's gorgeous
It's like there's a 60-inch TV in front of me
and I'm on a couch six feet away.
It's basically offering me a window
into this alternate reality
where I'm standing on Mars,
but I can still see to my periphery.
I'm gonna stress test it a little bit.
I'm just gonna run around the room a little bit.
It's amazing, though. There's no lag.
You don't get the terrain experience,
which is a little bit disconcerting.
You see these hills and you're not climbing up
or going down but everything was moving in real time,
which was kind of amazing.
I could totally see myself overlaying this
on a treadmill, certainly.
Explore two miles of the Martian landscape
from the comfort of my gym.
You might want to be able to move around
without actually walking.
[Brent] And we have a way to do that. Okay.
Do that air tap gesture that we practiced.
[Brent] Boop!
And then tap again.
Boop! Hey!
It really looks like where the floor is
is where the rocks are.
Once I start getting really close
you lose a little bit of resolution.
That's some good compression.
You guys using Pied Piper?
(crowd laughs)
You hear things about the HoloLens
being sort of a narrow window
and despite that I found myself
incredibly immersed in the world.
I think we're just naturally drawn
to focus on the most interesting thing that you're seeing.
Nothing was more interesting than
walking around on a natural Martian landscape.
Why did you guys to decide to choose the HoloLens
instead of one of the virtual reality viewers?
We need to be able to allow a scientist
or an engineer to confidently and comfortably
walk around on the Martian surface
while they might be in a crowded office.
Could you add notes or could you draw on it?
Like could I write Bowie was here?
Annotation of the Martian surface
is a feature that we're looking at implementing.
One way you might want to think about it is
just turning Mars into a white board.
What you just experienced is a Martian operational tool
with a small set of scientists.
We want to put them right beside the rover
that they're using to explore.
Is it something that anybody could download
and check out Mars on their own?
We recently announced a public version of the experience
at the Kennedy Space Center this summer.
We're gonna bring a full scale model
of the 2020 Mars rover right here into the room.
[Brent] Bam!
[Jeff] There's a very human thing that happens
when you put your hands into view
around an object.
You really gain a whole new level of intuition
about how large something is.
[Brent] I found myself being
a little bit precious around it.
I don't to knock into it or anything.
[Jeff] Part of what is nice about protospace
is that you can cut into any of these pieces.
[Brent] If this was a manned rover
you could sit in the seat and be like
Oh no, look, obviously we're gonna need a little
more head room there
because you could see this is something you
could hit you head on
or if you needed to be able to get your hand
back there to tighten a screw and you won't fit.
That's an adjustment you could make
before you even start prototyping in physical space.
So I can take this real sprocket
or whatever it actually is called
and I can see where it fits here.
And it lines up down to the screw holes.
Are you working on ways where you can manipulate
the objects with your hands?
Being able to pull things apart
and to be able to sort of take things away,
place them in different positions
while other people are seeing it
is a feature that we're developing right now.
So if you had a hard day designing the rover
you could just go all Office Space,
smash the hell out of it
then just regenerate it
and start from scratch the next day.
Yeah, you could maybe do that.
I don't know that you'd want
to let any of your coworkers know that you're doing that.
So we've been seeing some really interesting
implementations of how you guys
are using HoloLens on Earth.
How are you using it off the planet?
We send two of the HoloLens devices
to the International Space Station
where we were able to talk to astronaut Scott Kelly
and from our computer were able
to then annotate his world.
When you think about it the International Space Station
is perhaps the most complicated machine ever build.
With the technology now we put
any number of people with the astronaut
at the same time.
So what did we learn here today?
By bridging the gap between the digital world
and the real one we can interact
with incredibly detailed models in ways
that we never could before.
Pointing and tapping at a computer screen
simply pales in comparison.
The difference is that mixed reality
and the HoloLens puts the real you
into the experience in a way that's truly exciting.
But what do you think?
Is mixed reality really as cool as virtual reality
and all it's videogamey, porny potential?
Let us know what you think in the comments below,
subscribe to Wired if you haven't already,
and make sure you check out our other videos
from NASA and from the naughty virtual world.
Thanks for watching.
Starring: Brent Rose
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