Absurd Creatures | Three-Foot-Wide Coconut Crab Will Eat Your Soul and Maybe Kittens
Released on 05/23/2016
(relaxed music)
[Voiceover] What a lovely tropical scene.
Palm tree, coconut, and
oh, hello.
Can I help you?
We were appreciating this lovely tropical scene.
This is an actual crab.
It's called the coconut crab.
And it grows to an outlandish nine pounds,
and three feet across.
And get this, it's actually a super-sized
hermit crab without a shell.
Basically, it's the Hulk version of the
crustaceans you took to show-and-tell in second grade.
In fact, it's the biggest terrestrial arthropod on earth.
This may actually be as large as physics will allow.
That exoskeleton can get heavy.
So without the support of water,
the critter is fighting a battle with gravity.
As it's name suggests,
the coconut crab is pretty fond of coconuts.
And it's so powerful, it has no problem
tearing right through them.
It also eats fruits and vegetables,
plus the odd carcass here and there.
And... kittens.
(record scratch)
Yeah, I said kittens.
It's really eaten kittens.
Not this kitten, though.
This kitten's fine.
It may go without saying, that
you shouldn't get your fingers in the crabs claws.
But, you shouldn't get your fingers in the crabs claws.
One dude who made that mistake,
lost feeling in his thumb for three months.
Which goes to show,
coconut crabs don't appreciate show-and-tell
nearly as much as you and me.
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