Samsung Galaxy Deathmatch
Released on 03/05/2015
(gentle piano music)
In our last episode, we battle tested every generation
of the iphoness.
But, here on Battle Damage,
we are equal opportunity destroyers.
And, thanks to some suggestions from Lucas Chittum,
Jolie Bible, and Buggzy The Artist,
today we'll be putting androidss to the test.
We've got five of the most popular versions
of the Samsung Galaxy S
and we'll be seeing which one can take the most abuse.
Let's do it.
(lively music)
What began as just an iphoness ripoff,
is now coming into its own by pushing the limits
on screen size and features.
In fact, every model of the Galaxy S has sold faster
than the one before.
But, keep in mind that at least five of those were bought
for the sole purpose
of being destroyed right now.
What is the deal with this?
So, my 3D printer stopped working
couple days before the shoot
and so the Galaxys didn't get the special 3D print version
that the iphonesss got and they got the Lego version.
I miss my green button.
Yeah. I'm not gonna lie.
I'm sorry.
(lively rhythmic music)
All right, let's start with the one.
Looks good.
(bell ringing)
Here's the two.
Looks totally fine.
(bell ringing)
The three.
[Justin] Also totally fine.
(bell ringing)
The four.
Passes with flying colors.
(bell ringing)
And the five, back didn't pop off or anything.
(bell ringing)
All right they all passed.
Let's take it up to 15 feet.
As our resident androids fanboy.
What's your prediction on how many will break?
I would say none.
I think these are all going to the tank race.
I think at least two are gonna break.
Roll 'em.
(dramatic music)
I feeling a couple backs flown off.
Where's the first one?
Battery flew out, face is off.
Oh, and screen's cracked.
Okay, one is out. One's out.
(electrical buzzing)
This is two.
Looks fine.
Face popped off a little bit.
[Justin] Not bad.
Two is in. (bell ringing)
Three looks good.
All right. (bell ringing)
The four, screen cracked.
I can hear it working but black screen.
Yeah, I just saw it flicker.
And, this one's out.
(electrical buzzing)
Five, the newest one, I think also.
[Justin] No way.
Yeah, it's, I can hear it going.
It's the same thing as before.
(electrical buzzing)
So, Justin, androids boy, you thought
none of these would break.
[Justin] No.
I thought two would break and three broke.
So, it's even worse.
How many survived the 15-foot iphoness drop?
I don't know.
You've gotta watch the episode.
(dramatic music)
Why did we have liquid nitrogen, Eric?
We anticipated that the S5 would make it
to the final tests.
It's waterproof.
S5 got knocked out in the second round.
So now our older non-waterproof Galaxys,
I mean, we got the liquid nitrogen, so come on let's do it.
(mystical music)
[Justin] I think this tank might explode.
Something's happening.
The tank's exploding.
Are the phoness still on?
No visual.
[Eric] Things are cracking.
[Justin] Everything's cracking.
Two seems to still be functioning.
[Eric] They're still on.
So, the phoness are outlasting the tank.
Wait. No visual.
[Justin] Hold on, they're still on.
(dramatic music)
[Eric] I think.
Do I see three that got out?
[Justin] I think the S3 is out.
Three we have at 41 seconds.
[Eric] The S2 is, oh, I think two out.
(beeping) Two's out at 51 seconds.
All right, so if you ever need to know how long
your Galaxy S2 will last in liquid nitrogen,
51 seconds.
[Justin] Not bad.
[Eric] Not bad.
It's cold, it's damn cold.
So, we're gonna shame our losers,
but they just don't feel frozen enough
so we're gonna add a little more liquid nitrogen.
[Justin] That's beautiful.
[Eric] Actually is.
(mystical music)
[Eric] Aww, he looks so sad.
[Justin] Look at all those backings.
Wow, that's the most Galaxys I've destroyed
since I designed a tractor beam for the government.
Wait, what?
I've said too much.
The government?
Recently doubts the killing--
All right, that's it for this episode.
Tune in next time and we'll find out
what's tougher, the GoPro or its competitors.
[Justin] Where am I?
Who am I?
Maybe I've done this too many times.
It's convenient, though.
Starring: Justin Johnson, Erik Beck
"Set It Loose [Instrumental]" by Pigeon John
"Hey You [Instrumental]" by Pigeon John
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