Your Guide to Ashley Madison, Explained with Bad Stock Footage
Released on 09/10/2015
[Narrator] Ashley Madison is a website
that advertises, life is short, have an affair.
Recently it was hacked, exposing
37 million adulterous email addresses to the world.
The saddest user name, whosyourdaddy69,
the saddest password, lovehurts.
Only three zip cods in the entire United States
have no Ashley Madison accounts.
So did everyone get the affair of their dreams?
Well, the hack reveals than an overwhelming 86%
of users were male, 31 million men to 5.5 million women.
But Gizmodo discovered that 70,000 of those women
were actually fake accounts,
created and operated by Ashley Madison.
They sent 20 million messages to men
and engaged 11 million male user in chat,
because if men thought they were getting somewhere
with a woman, they'd keep paying to use the site.
Where are the cheating women
if they're not on Ashley Madison?
Maybe tinder, 30% of users are married
and nearly 40% of them are female.
But back to the hack.
Thoughtfully looking after user privacy,
Ashley Madison offered
a full account deletion service for only $19.
In 2014 alone, Ashley Madison netted 1.7 million
in revenue from this full delete promise.
But a total of 185,946 email addresses
found in the hack were listed as paid delete.
So they were still on Ashley Madison servers,
and didn't really get deleted.
People are pissed and feeling exposed.
The whole mess has revealed an interesting side
of modern relationships, mainly,
that a lot of married people
aren't as satisfied as they seem.
Yet among millenials, 88% of women
and 77% of men think that flirting online is cheating,
and unsurprisingly, a third of divorces in recent years
name online cheating as a culprit.
So it's not like people are OK with it,
even if they are doing it all the time.
So what do you think?
Is it cheating to sign up for Ashley Madison,
even if you never actually meet up with someone?
And if you were one of the unlucky users
exposed in the hack, well, maybe next time,
don't use your actual email address.
(jazzy saxophones music)
Produced by Kornhaber Brown
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