George R. R. Martin "Game of Thrones Cameo Would Be in Season 4, Not 3"
Released on 03/21/2013
I hope my character is sitting down, let me say that.
I did a cameo in season one.
I was a guest at Danny's wedding
in the original pilot that we shot.
And in that case I was standing up.
It was in Morocco, we shot it in Morocco
and I was standing up
and, you know, if you've ever been on a film shoot,
they shoot for hours,
from different angles and that angles
and, you know, by the end it was cold
and Morocco, you know, is very hot during the day
but at night, especially when we were shooting,
it gets really cold.
So, I'm standing there freezing
and my back was killing me by the end of the evening
and I said, if I ever do another cameo,
I'm gonna have a nice comfortable seat,
so we'll work on that.
Other than that, I don't know.
It's actually, I mean, I hope to do a cameo
but a lot depends on the schedule.
I have to get over there at the right time
and to the shoot
and then, hopefully we can work in something.
[Interviewer] Oh, so it either hasn't been
any decision made about?
Well, we've discussed it
but, you know, we haven't even got
a order for season four yet
and so, it's not gonna be in this season.
I haven't filmed anything this season.
If do it, it would be season four
and HBO has to order season four first,
and then we'll put together a shooting schedule
and then we'll see how it meshes with my schedule
and, you know, it'd be great to if it could work out.
I'd really like to do it.
I did brief cameos at a couple
of my old Twilight Zone episodes and Beauty and the Beast,
so that would be cool too.
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