How This Woman Creates God of War’s Sound Effects
Released on 03/29/2023
[horse clopping]
These are actually just toilet plungers.
[fist thuds]
[syringe clacks] [metal pings]
[melon thuds] [blade swishes]
[Host] Meet Joanna Fang,
foley artist for PlayStation Studioses.
And a master at sonically translating our world
through works like God of War Ragnarök.
[rocks thudding] [wood planks clacking]
Let's step into my office.
Just watch your step.
I love my office.
This is my creative space.
This is the Sony PlayStation Foley Studio.
We have tons of really cool stuff.
We have like smashed iphonesss.
So you know, if we need to like,
[iphoness thuds]
throw something behind our shoulders,
it sounds accurate to what a iphoness sounds like.
We have all sorts of weird props and things of that nature.
There's a saying in foley
that is never trust a clean foley stage.
My whole life I've been trained as a classical musician.
I'm kind of always passively listening to things
and passively recording in a weird way.
If I were to sum up all the times my body reacts,
like, Oh, that could be a foley or that's a cool prop.
I think I'm thinking about foley
13 hours a day. [keyboard clacking]
To focus on all these other characters
and literally to walk in their footsteps,
to walk in their shoes.
Everything else melts away.
Like, you don't exist anymore.
If you take this Indian para knife
and you pair it up with a torque wrench,
you get the sound of like an assault rifle.
[rifle clacks] You know,
you just kinda like shake it.
[footsteps clopping]
Using lump charcoal for snow.
It's got like all the cracking characters of ice.
Pistol holster, add manicotti shells to it.
You can get a really comprehensive bone break.
[shells crackling]
[melon squelches]
Gory viscera sounds.
We have to do our best divorce
where these props are from and where we could take them.
Like I can imagine this
sitting on the back of a horse.
[beads clopping]
Foley at its best is painting a scene with sound.
[melon squelches]
Not bad for the day.
[pole squeaks]
What we'll do is we'll sometimes take this
and pair it against the wood right here.
So if we have these dramatic doors
that have like creaks on them-
[wood creaks]
I always say that the best props are ones
that you can play like a Stradivarius.
Like, they just sing.
It's like weaponized ASMR, you know what I mean?
Like we're trying to get the audience to feel something.
[Host] These textures can completely change
how we view a scene.
So we gave Joanna a clip she had never seen before
and asked her to foley it as an action movie
and as a romantic comedy.
So in the clip,
there's a certain cadence going on with her footsteps.
In terms of textures,
I obviously see that she's got a leather jacket,
what appears to be two baguettes underneath her arms.
Just judging by the way her legs are spiking,
I'm gonna go ahead and say
that she's probably wearing heels.
Let me reinterpret the scene
as if it were like a romantic comedy.
[heels clopping]
Her leather jacket, if it were a rom-com,
probably wouldn't creek that much.
It's just, you know, regular leather jacket.
[leather swishes softly]
We'll do the baguette first
as if just normal baguette, right?
[paper crinkles]
If this is a rom-com, she has your standard-issue keys,
maybe like a wallet or something.
[bag crinkles softly]
Okay, let's just-
Let's just be creative.
Maybe she's an assassin.
And the baguettes are actually a cover.
We have these heels, they're-
It's a little darker.
Let's grit up the floor too, you know?
Just a little bit 'cause heels kind of over-accentuate grit.
[heels clopping loudly]
[leather swishing loudly]
[paper crinkling]
[bag crinkling]
Cool, so these are now the same exact clip visually
but sonically we've adjusted the foley to accommodate
for two different types of genres.
[whimsical music]
[footsteps clop softly] [clothing crinkle softly]
[footsteps clop loudly] [clothing crinkle loudly]
Everyone wears leathery in games.
So we have four or five different leather jackets.
If a character is like, a little bit evil,
maybe a little tense,
we wanna give that character that sonic texture.
This is our giant water pit.
It's actually one of the first things built
into the foundations of the room.
It's an incredible feature
and it's not something you see every day.
Car doors are an amazing prop.
Kind of gross-
But sometimes you're able to get it to like-
[window squeaks]
You know, get like some-
Some funny little characteristic squeaks.
So someone's like, sliding down a glass window.
We're just so rigged up to hear like-
[window squeaks sharply]
[Host] Joanna's love of foley runs deep
and she's always looking to educate people on her craft.
People tend to misunderstand foley
as if it were purely forensic recording.
I think most people would be very surprised
if they were to go to a foley stage
with the exact props used on set, the exact setups,
almost in a pure objective way, recreating the sounds.
They'll find that the foley that comes from that
is extremely lacking of all the things
that we've come to expect from a game or a film.
I remember the most challenging sound that I had to do.
It was the simplest sound effect and it broke me.
It was like, Whoopi Goldberg was sauntering up to a bar.
It just went to take 8, take 9, take 10.
And it was just killing me.
I think the reason why I was having such a hard time
with that cue
was just I didn't feel right in my body.
You know, I used Foley for so long
as this like, perfect art form
that helped me shake off frankly my gender dysphoria.
But for some freaking reason
that one cue made me hate everything about myself.
So not long after that,
I actually came out of the closet
'cause I was like, it got to the point
where I couldn't do my job anymore.
This is my entire array of shoes.
Well, not really.
This is the third of my shoe collection.
Dress shoes, heavy boots, men's athletic wear,
the squeakiest pairs of shoes
you've ever heard in your life.
[shoe squeaks]
So sometimes I don't even wear them for shoes.
Sometimes I use them as props.
This is like my fun arsenal.
[metal clacking]
An armorer friend of mine built these for me
and they're made out of aircraft aluminum.
They were tuned for a while.
They've had their fair share of use.
[blades swish]
They resonate in ways that you don't naturally
normally get with real swords
because of their construction.
[Host] All of these props and tools can come together
in creating a deep and layered scene.
To demonstrate this,
we've asked Joanna to recreate a segment
of the bar room fight scene from God of War Ragnarök
One of the concepts in this scene
that I really fell in love with
was setting up and paying off this bouncer.
Weapons aren't allowed inside.
We'll have to check 'em.
All right, Blake.
Can you cue me up for this sword off the back here?
Here we go. Cool, ready.
[blades swishing and clanking]
Could I just get a sweetener of the blades,
like zhuzhing a little bit after she grabs it?
[blades swishing]
[blades clanking]
And then Atreus here also gets his weapons.
[props thudding and pinging]
[props thudding]
[wood rattling]
They're not gonna let you in.
[blades rattling]
[weapons rattling]
We finally get to the middle of the scene
where all that setup pays off.
Atreus, he's forced off the second story by the bouncer
and the bouncer grabs him and tries to get him to stop.
[wood thudding]
[planks rattling]
My favorite sound in bar brawl is the sound of leather
as Atreus is struggling to break the grasp of the bouncer.
[leather squishing]
If Atreus doesn't hit that button enough,
the character dies and it's game over.
We got the strangulation sound of twisting leather
and the clank of armor
as the bouncer's trying to get him to hold still.
We do have actual armor. [armor clanks]
[armor thudding and clanking]
We're gonna hit the pillars now.
[armor thudding]
[wood cracking]
[armor clanking]
When you smash that button enough,
Mjolnir, the hammer, comes flinging through the air,
crushes the guy's skull
and we go straight into picking up Thor and walking him out.
After he's got his head knocked off,
let's just get that sound of his body just going like-
Relaxing back.
[armor clacking]
Okay, cool.
So, head smash,
we're gonna get real gross,
real fast with this one.
[water sloshes]
[lettuce squelches]
Manicotti shells, bone breaks.
[shells crackling]
[cans crackling]
[melon thudding]
This is a ax blink
that our friend Jeff provided the foley stage.
Blake's gonna record it and we're gonna reverse and flip it.
It's gonna get processed
and added with a bunch of different sounds
and it's gonna make up Thor's hammer.
[metal pings]
Hey Blake, if you don't mind
can we just play back everything all together at once?
[wood rattling]
[characters grunting]
[armor crackling]
[leather squeaking]
[hammer pinging & thudding]
[Joanne laughs]
On a sequence as complicated as bar brawl,
we're creating over a thousand assets, easy.
If you can imagine,
moments like these happen throughout the entire game.
Foleying a game takes months and months and months
because of the sheer density, attention to detail,
and contextual storytelling that we have to do
on the Foley stage.
[Host] Joanna's mastery of her craft is unique.
And even in the digital age,
she feels the role of a foley artist
is still vital to storytelling.
I can imagine a future
where machine learning aids us in foley,
but I do not ever believe
that it'll take away the simple and beautiful
performative nature of it.
I've often felt like when you watch a film
and there isn't much foley,
it feels like you're staring through a window.
It doesn't feel like you're actually there.
Foley, to me, is a very powerful performance art language
that connects the audience with the characters
and gets you to feel what they're going through.
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