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Floored: Reimagining 3D Experiences for the Real World [Sponsored Content]

David Eisenberg, co-founder and CEO of Floored, explains how his company transforms real estate floor plans into 3D experiences using Intel's agile technology, allowing consumers to skip the walkthrough and take a virtual 3D tour instead. Brought to you by Intel.

Released on 02/19/2014


Being in New York,

one is surrounded by real estate

and you're sort of constantly aware of it.

We really knew that there was a better solution

to be had for how we experience

real estate digitally.

My name is David Eisenberg,

I'm the co-founder and CEO of Floored.

Floored got started in the middle of 2012

when we became aware that there wasn't

a viable three D solution

for interactive communication

for the real estate industry at that time.

Instead of looking at two dimensional

black and white floorplans,

what about looking through full color,

completely immersive totally accurate

three dimensional models of spaces?

That was a vision that we all got excited about.

And so we started a company

to really execute on that.

We've used a variety

of virtual reality devices

to help people feel what it's like to be inside.

We can take a tenant

and actually place them inside of a space

that they're considering purchasing.

At Floored we really believe

that virtual reality can make life better

by building digital experiences

that actually mirror or parallel

what's possible in the real world.

And so in everything that we do,

we need our computing to be super fast.

We've always been on the latest hardware

on the latest processors.

There's an Intel processor

in every computer in the company.

We really benefit when Intel moves

the needle on speed of processing

on things like the Intel two in one PC

that are flexible or agile

in terms of how one interacts with the device.

You can touch to move furniture.

You walk through a space using your hand.

That's the same exact functionality

that will be really helpful.

The ability to lay out a space.

These are all experiences that

may work better in three D

than in traditional two D.

Some of my favorite projects are ones

that I know are going to touch a lot of people.

Take the example of a physically disabled person

who might want to go and visit a museum

half way around the world.

Now imagine sitting down in your home office

and being able to virtually travel there.

Every year as we're upgrading

our computing to get faster and faster,

we're looking to Intel to develop

newer and faster devices

which will in turn,

allow us to build software

that will deliver a better

experience to our customer.
