Classical Toddler Music
Released on 06/14/2013
[Narrator] Mister Know-It-All.
I can't stand inane toddler music,
but am I impairing my two year old's cognitive development
by spinning Zeppelin instead of the Wiggles?
As long as you keep your kid from seeing
the Houses of the Holy cover art,
her brain will be just fine.
There's exactly zero evidence that one kind of music
helps cognitive development more than any other.
Plus, the supposed benefits of music come from
learning to play an instrument, not just kicking back
and admiring John Bonham's drum solo in Moby Dick.
I certainly agree that Do The Monkey by The Wiggles
belongs right next to the Barney and Elmo theme songs
on Volume One of Beelzebub's Greatest Hits,
but don't forget the first tenet of parenthood:
It's not about you.
Toddler tunes sell because their simple lyrics
and catchy melodies make rugrats boogie and sing,
and spark a lifelong appreciation for music.
So if your tyke digs kiddie pap,
more than Physical Graffiti, suck it up.
A little Wiggles now may pain your ears,
but it could mean a whole lot of love
for the better stuff down the line.
I'm Mister Know-It-All, which means I already know
whether or not you are interested in
clicking on the Subscribe button.
You are.
Animated by: Mike Wartella (Dream Factory Animation) Designed by: Christoph Niemann
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