How to Test And Launch your Giant Robot Mech (6/7)
Released on 08/09/2013
(techno music)
(factory hum)
Everyone in the shop came to watch
every time that Bruce gets suited-up.
Everyone comes out and stares.
That's when it started getting special.
[Man] Tops away, Bruce.
It's heavy.
Way more than your last fitting.
This is ambitious, it looks cool.
If it works like everything we want it to, it's cool.
I've gotta make that work, we're going to Comic-Con.
(power tools)
When you have Alan Scott come out and go,
all the faces of these guys that have done it
for 30 years all turn into 12-year olds.
The ultimate thrill comes when
you get to see it come to life.
It's come full-circle, what started as a seed,
and great ideas in your head, now you're performing
and that's the great joy that we all have.
I think that there's gonna be
constant attention where it's set up
and word-of-mouth is gonna spread very quickly.
I think there's just gonna be
a lot of people are gonna check this thing out.
A lot of people are gonna back away from the thing
just 'cause it looks like
it's made out of tons of steel
and it's just light-weight plastic.
Ya know, when you're looking at it
you just kinda go, well, alright
there it is and then he sorta-like jumps at you
and it's pretty startling, ya know,
I even jump a little bit.
I think the fans will love it.
To see something that big, that detailed,
that cool walking around.
It's gonna be really fun.
I'm always really impressed with the cosplay,
people who get dressed up because that's a lot of work.
It's very, very impressive so I think
that they will be very, very, very happy
to something so massive in front of them
that really is built just for them
to enjoy and have something to track with.
That is the crowd you want to unveil
in front of, those people love
the fantastic and the sci-fi and they love cosplay.
This will be definitely the most interactive
character that I've dealt with
in the Comic-Con situation, which is really cool
and it's gonna create a huge buzz, I think
so a lot of people are gonna start talking about it.
When he's performing live,
all the noise and sound effects
and everything get added in post
so this is actually happening in real time.
And it just makes the character come to life,
but if something's actually moving
and making noises and interacting with them
I think it's gonna blow their minds.
Test, test, test, test.
(robot growls)
How many seconds do I have to comply?
How many seconds do I have to reach minimum safe distance?
How are you?
Very good, sir.
You see this guy come out,
not a guy, you see a robot.
I know it's a guy, 'cause the guy disappears.
So, this machine steps up and he starts
kinda moving his arms and well, that's really fluid.
This is amazing, and he starts to walk
and he's not stumbling or anything.
This is that first moment going, whoa.
I think my most memorable moment
was when we got kicked out of Comic-Con.
I mean, how many people have gotten
kicked out of Comic-Con because they don't have badges
like you never get in in the first place.
We not only got in, we got in with a giant crew,
with a film crew and a gigantic 400 pound robot.
My most memorable, because it was
stressful as hell, was when Bruce was in the NBC
and we had to take him to a whole 'nother locations,
which was probably three quarters of a block away.
We could see everybody just coming across the street
and I could just see nothin' but bobbing heads
and it was crazy.
I did feel like we were rock stars at that time.
There were moments where like
Oh, this'll be fun, oh this'll be fun.
I'm like, Bruce is in there, you're burnin' him.
It's like, quick, just make your decision.
Just go, go, go, go, go.
This is it, Bruce, you're out of there.
All right guys, this is the last photo.
Right now, last photo, that's it.
Thank you all. Thank you very much.
The people who go to Comic-Con,
they all have a very similar goal.
And that is to shine and share
and see all their shared geekdom.
It's an ideal place to take a character like this.
Every one of your senses is engaged
when you're standing in front
of something real like this.
You can see it. You can hear it.
You can touch it.
It really made people respond.
Can I pet your dog?
Don't be afraid young man.
I'll destroy you.
People actually thought there was a robot,
which is kinda fun.
Even in person it fooled a lot of people,
which was really cool.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
A robot.
A robot?
And everybody just wanted it
to be amazed at how cool it was.
Would you be my girlfriend?
Probably the most exciting thing
I take away from this week was
We were welcome to show off this artistry.
Everything that you're working toward
is when you're live, on camera
in front of people, and you get to react
and interact with them and make them smile
and make them look at it and wonder what the hell is that?
How is that working?
It's so satisfying.
That's the ultimate thing, is
to take it out there and show people stuff
that they've never seen before.
So in the end, he was revealed.
Did we achieve the mission?
Did we, did we hit the goal we were setting out to hit.
And, the answer is, way beyond, any of our expectations.
(cheers and applause)
If you like robots, say Oh ba.
(crowd mumbles)
Watch your heads.
I'm extremely dangerous.
(robot and crowd talking)
How to Make a Giant Robot Mech (1/7)
How to Design a Giant Robot Mech (2/7)
How to Prototype a Giant Robot Mech (3/7)
How to Build Parts for a Giant Robot Mech (4/7)
How to Make Tech for a Giant Robot Mech (5/7)
How to Test And Launch your Giant Robot Mech (6/7)
How to Build a Giant Robot Mech: Think Big (7/7)
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