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Michael Strahan Answers Super Bowl Questions From Twitter

Former New York Giants defensive end Michael Strahan uses the power of Twitter to answer the internet's burning questions about the Super Bowl and the NFL. How much is a Super Bowl ring worth? Why does the owner always get the Lombardi trophy? Do NFL players play fantasy football?

Released on 01/29/2020


I'm Michael Strahan and this is Super Bowl Support.

[thumping drum music]

All right, we're gonna dive right into these questions.

Here we go, question number one is from Nipun Chopra, PhD.

Hm, smart person.

Why do coaches spring to the locker room at halftime?

Like you've been talking to these players

because they sit on the bench for much of the first half.

What could you even have to tell them

that they haven't shared already?


OK, you are telling the players about the strategies.

Sometimes you're just motivating guys

and you're just talking to guys.

Now the reason that you spring in at halftime

is because you need to get into the locker room

and address the entire team, because on the sideline,

you only have the offense at one point,

or the defense at one point.

So this is the way for the coach to convey the message

for the entire team, get in front of them,

say, We're gonna do this guys.

Tell 'em what to do, get them excited,

send them back out there in the second half

with a new fresh frame of mind.

That's why that works.

All right, Leesa from Florida.

So how much is a Super Bowl ring worth?

What's the cost?

Anyone know?

Looks pretty snazzy.

I have no idea because I didn't pay for it, you earn it.

It's priceless to me.

I love mine, the thing I have in my life

with the most diamonds in it, I have no other diamonds

pretty much except for that Super Bowl ring,

and I wear it proudly.


Why does everyone have to run?

From the locker room to the locker room,

onto the field, off the field, why all this running?

'Cause if you don't run, you're lazy.

It's psychological, because psychologically

if I'm the opponent and I'm looking at you

and you're running and you have all this energy,

even in the fourth quarter, I'm thinking to myself,

oh, this person never quits.


Plus, you know what?

It means you're in shape and you're ready to go.

All right, Jay Myers, what would be wrong

with NFL overtime being giving each team a chance

from a select spot on the field, 40 or 50 yard line,

with same rules, first downs, et cetera?

Just doesn't seem right that if you are lucky enough

to win the toss and score a touchdown that it is over,

the other team should get a chance.

Jay, you're right, they should get a chance.

I hate it, too.

Teams are battling it out, it comes to overtime,

both teams are tied, you did a great job,

you both should have an equal chance to win the game.


Dumb question from someone

that has been following football for awhile.

Can you explain what's a five-technique

and the other different stance?

A five-technique.

You have the center, you have the guard,

and you have the tackle.

Anytime you line up head up on someone, it's a even number.

Anytime you line up on an edge, it's an odd number.

So a zero-technique would be the guy

lined up head up over the center who's snapping the ball,

a two-technique would be the guy

lined up head over the guard,

and a four-technique would be a guy

who lines up head over the tackle.

But if you shift to the outside shoulder of the tackle,

that four became a five.

The zero, if you're lined up, you shift, becomes a one.

Then a two is head up, a three is a shoulder,

a four is head up, and a five is a shoulder.

That's how it works.

Pretty simple, we're football players, we're not scientists.

We gotta keep the numbers very simple, OK?

Adam Eberhardt.

Non-elite football mind here.

Why do coaches, when down 15, opt to go for two

instead of kicking the extra point after the first TD?

You know what, Adam, I don't know.

I would kick the extra point after the first TD,

and then if I'm lucky enough to score another one,

go for the two then.

You know, if somebody says we want the good news

or the bad news, they just get the bad news first,

that if they don't get it, they got a lot of work to do.

Bill B., why does every football announcer

incorrectly call a reverse a double reverse,

like how do they know the difference?

All right, the reverse is if I have the ball,

the quarterback or whatever and I'm going that way

and I pitch it to a guy going that way, that's a reverse.

A double reverse I pitch it to him,

he pitch it to another guy who going the other way,

so you end up going the way

that you started in the first place,

that's a double reverse.

I don't know why anybody would call a double reverse

a regular reverse, I don't know.

But that's what a single and a double reverse is.

Thank you, Bill.

@NFL, this is from Josh Sampson.

Like that name Sampson, strong.

@NFL, why is the Vince Lombardi trophy

always handed to the owner of a franchise first?

Should be handed to the coach, #SuperBowl.

Nope, you hand it to the guy who paid for the coach

and everybody else on the team, the owner.

Common sense, come on, Josh, you know better than that.

Jenn, me watching football with Jord.

So, after a touchdown, then what happens?

Do they go back to the middle of the field like center ice

and then start again?

Apparently, this was a dumb question.

You know what, Jenn, there are no dumb questions.

So after touchdowns, then what happens,

why don't they go back to the middle of the field

like center ice and start over again?

Because, that would make it too easy.

You kick it off, your team has to drive

the length of the field.

If you're starting in the center of the field

every time you got the ball,

it'd be too easy for most teams, it's a short field.

And if you just got the ball on the 50 every time,

it would be an unfair advantage.

Xoxo CC, makes me uncomfortable

when all these guys kiss the trophy, it's weird, right?

No, it's like your baby.

I've worked all this time, nine months.

The baby comes out, it's mine [imitates kissing].

Now if you see a guy tryin' to French kiss the trophy,

now that's strange, but a regular [imitates kiss],

lip, that's nothing big.

Hockey's probably one of the worst,

'cause they get to take the trophy,

each player takes the trophy for like a week.

I've been around some hockey players,

I've seen them do some things with that trophy

that you could not pay me enough to drink out of that trophy

because they all drink out of it.

You couldn't pay me enough to kiss that trophy.

I'll stay at arms length and just go like that next to it.

Here we go.

Larry B.

Who remembers the classic battles

between Strahan and Runyan?

#Legends, #SNF,



I remember those battles,

and that was one of the reasons I retired,

'cause I couldn't take 'em anymore.

They were beating me down.

That was a big man, 6'7 or so, 340 pounds,

strong as an ox.

Didn't like me 'cause he's in Philadelphia and I'm New York.

Rivals, cold weather, taking a beating.

Man, I want to go back.

Nah, my body doesn't.

OK, there we go, I love those games.


Guys, how do you manage watching football

and at the same time tweeting about it?

With one of these emojis.

Won't you miss some steps?

Mm, football, you know, it's kind of a game

that's fast-paced sometimes, slow-paced other times,

big play happens, nothing really happens sometimes.

So you have time to tweet.

But I prefer just to watch the game and not tweet at all.

Jonathan Widder.

#SuperBowl, earliest Gatorade bath in Super Bowl history?

That was Bill Parcells I want to say,

with the New York Giants, created by Giants hall of famer

and legend Harry Carson.

Bam, there you go, history.

J Bick.

Can someone explain to me why NFL teams

continuously hire some coaches

who have been fired for being bad?

In what career field does that make sense?

Oh these guys fired him because he sucks,

let's see if he still sucks for us.

[laughing] This dude, we're soul mates, brother.

I've been wondering that, too.

You're bad over here,

what makes you gonna be great over here?

But, in the history of it, sometimes it works.

Bill Belichick, Cleveland Browns [makes raspberry].

Bill Belichick New England Patriots, [imitates creaking]

greatest of all time coaching.

So I think you have to take chances,

maybe there's something this coach shows

that you feel like works more in your system

or your team than it does in another team,

but I do get confused sometimes,

because when a coach has failed a few times

and he still gets a chance, I personally,

as an owner, which I am not,

would say, I might as well try somebody young

and new and fresh, maybe I'll get lucky

and catch lightning in a bottle.

And not hire somebody who's been canned somewhere else

so that I can eventually fire them in a year or two myself.

I don't know.

Nate Bond.

Are NFL coaching interviews like real people interviews?

Are interviewers like, Why do you think you would be

a good fit for this position?

Tell me about a time when you were struggling

and what you did to overcome that.

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

You know what, Nate, they pretty much are.

If you can't sell the ownership and the general manager,

you're not gonna get the job,

'cause if they feel that you don't believe in yourself,

if you can't answer basic questions,

if you can't tell them about your struggles

and how you overcame them

and how you're gonna help this team

overcome their struggles,

'cause obviously you're in there for a head coaching job

because the last guy struggled in that job.

If you can't do that, you're not gonna get it.

So very much like a regular interview,

maybe with a little bit more strategy

about how you're gonna use those players

who are on that team to make that team better.

And if you can do that, you can get a job.

Nate, good luck in your interview.

Marcus Mosher.

Odd football question, what is more valuable,

a kicker who makes a high percentage of short kicks

or a kicker who makes a high percentage of long kicks

but a lower percentage of short kicks?

Hell, I'm not here for riddles.

All right, thank you, Marcus.


What is an audible in the NFL?

An audible is, say you have a play called,

and you get up to the line of scrimmage,

and the defense comes up and their play,

the way that they're lined up

would make your play not work at all.

You know by the way everybody's set up, you have no chance.

So you call in an audible, you switch it up,

you make guys move around to change up your formation,

and it changes it into a play

that will work against the defense that you see.

But offenses aren't the only ones with audibles,

defenses have them, too.

So if we see they're in something that we don't like

and we were lined up, we create an audible

to put us in the right position as well.

Football's like chess, it's like, you know, mind games.

Show something, be deceptive and make a play out of it.

They can expect something out of it,

but it ends up being something completely different.

That's what an audible is, it can put you in a situation

where you go from a play that wouldn't be successful

to one that you think would be.

Jamie Fline.

Do NFL players play fantasy football?

Do they pick themselves?

If their friends don't pick them, do they get a little sad?

Well I played fantasy football one time,

then realized I was much better at reality football,

so I stopped playing.

Other guys do play, play a lot of fantasy baseball,

they play fantasy basketball.

If you're a narcissist, you pick yourself.

And if your friends don't pick you,

you don't get sad, you get even.

That's what you do.

Farhan Lalji.

Subtopic of the night appears to be

which @SuperBowl loss, hurt more,

#Falcons or #Seahawks.

Oh, Farhan, that's a good question.

I would say the Falcons hurt more.

Seahawks hurt, just give Marshawn Lynch the ball, man.

Give him the ball, game over, you win.

You win two in a row!

Now, me saying win two in a row's very important,

because if you're the Falcons, you never won one.

You're up huge, we're covering that game for Fox.

I'm on the sideline going, I'm the only one

that picked the Falcons to beat the Patriots.

I'm looking like a genius.

Then what do I look like?

I look like a bum because the Falcons

decide to do everything wrong

that you can do to lose a game.

And they'd never won one Super Bowl,

and you had a lead to do it against the Patriots.

I think that is a lot worse,

and you will regret that for the rest of your life

if you are a Falcon coach or player, sadly so.

I looked like a genius for a minute when I picked them.

All right, here we go, Amanda.

My boyfriend just said that there's a woman's NFL.

Is this true?

Where have I been?

Why I haven't I seen this?

Are there games I can go to?

There is a women's football league, actually.

Legends Football League is a woman's league

that was started a few years ago.

It used to be named something else,

the Lingerie Football League,

but it became the Legends Football League,

and now I think this year in 2020

it's going to become the X League.

It's actually very cool.

I love watching it, so make sure you find out,

go online, check it out.

CatNFL, Dolphins fan, I see the Dolphin logo.

Go, they played well at the end of the year.

@NFLFilmStudy, if you had to guess,

how many quarterbacks in the NFL are not allowed to audible?

[grunts] Most of them are allowed to audible.

'Cause if not, you'd be a robot,

and your offense would be stale and boring

because you would sit in one look and every team

would figure out what you're doing

before you ever hiked the ball.

So every quarterback has some ability to audible,

some more than others, obviously, you had Peyton Manning

or you have Tom Brady or you have Drew Brees who,

they can do whatever they want because they've earned it.

Then you have young guys who are new in the league,

they have maybe one audible per play

or on certain plays.

It depends on how much the coach trusts you,

if the coach is a control freak or not,

and how good you are.

The better you are, just like everything in life,

kind of the more leeway you get.


What's the best play ever by a Super Bowl losing team?

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.


When they made that great catch by the receiver,

juggling the ball near the goal line

that put them in position to where they should have

run Marshawn Lynch and didn't and decided to throw a pass.

That's probably the biggest one.

Ian Hawkins.

I struggle to understand why college football players

would declare early for the NFL draft

and essentially miss out on a bowl game.

Why not just wait until after?

Not having a go, I am genuinely asking.

Answers welcome.

The reason that a guy declares

and doesn't play in a bowl game is probably,

you know, it's kind of, in a perfect world,

a guy would declare before a bowl game,

the team would go to a bowl game, he would play.

That's a perfect world.

But now, football is different.

So now a guy declares, he doesn't play in the bowl game,

he's kind of thinking about his future,

saying I don't want to get hurt,

if I get hurt in a bowl game, then I'm missing out

on potentially being a high draft pick in the NFL.

So you have to weigh the risk and the reward.

It's just the nature of the beast if we like it or not.

Football Is Life, whoa.

What do you call your fronts with?

Names, numbers, or both, explain why.

Oh man, it depends on the coach.

Depends on the terminology.

So most of them, it's very simple, man.

It's very simple, it's like three words.

Because we're football players.

There's a lot to think about out there.

There's a lot of pressure.

You got 80,000 people screaming.

You can't say, Double whammy, triple x on the y with the z,

throw a little bit of mayo on that with a side of baloney.

Doesn't work, dude, ain't got that much time,

you gotta think too much.

So it's really like, you know what,

it's like a three word, 32 blitz.

Bam, that's it.

You want to know what 32 blitz means?

I don't know, it's been too long.

I voluntarily forgot.

That was Super Bowl Support.

You guys have a lot of great questions by the way.

But make sure you tune in to see the Super Bowl,

February the 2nd on Fox.

See you there.

Starring: Michael Strahan

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