eBay’s R.J. Pittman on the Future of Shopping
Released on 06/09/2014
Over the last five years, there's been an intense focus
on really, really scaling and rebuilding and replatforming
the eBay marketplace, and expanding into
many new markets and new countries.
When I arrived, one of the big opportunities in charters was
okay, we built the foundation,
now, the next move for eBay is
building an engaging experience.
I want people sitting around my table and my staff
talking to me about the science of cart and checkout.
I want people talking to me about
the science of search and browse at eBay.
Want to be talking about personalization,
and I want to be talking about
product discovery and engagement.
We, sell more new and let's call it fixed price items
than the the traditional auction business
that the company was founded on.
So, is it fair to say that you feel
that eBay could be a first choice over Amazon
in people's hearts and minds?
Well you know, I want to be realistic about that.
Our product mix, at the moment,
is not focused on replenishables.
The way to think of it is,
the sellers on eBay today are really interesting,
ranging from the individual to the small business,
to the art collector, the record shop,
all the way up to now mass retailers. Right?
And we are getting big brand names as well
that are very interested in
stepping on to the eBay platform
and bringing out interesting collections
of their inventory.
My job as Chief Product Officer
is; how do we simplify the shopping experience?
145 million users, and growing,
165 million items, and coming from
this broad spectrum of sellers,
how do you make that rational,
sensible and delightful so that people get it
and they come back often?
So we're absolutely building towards
highly engaging, repeat customer experience
on eBay and, you know, don't forget mobiles.
At over 20 billion dollars a year
in merchandise sold just through
the mobiles platform on eBay, that's massive.
And it's absolutely our growth engine going forward.
When you think about, future of shopping
this is it. You know, it's with you 24 seven,
it's with you, it's your alarm
when you wake up in the morning
it's with you on the train ride
when you get out of here to go home tonight.
And that's when people have their
attention units available and focused on shopping
and so, I'm obsessed over the multi-screen
shopping experience and looking at how we can
build and change the game in commerce
across devices.
(bright music)
Starring: Steven Levy, R.J. Pittman
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