Wired On Tour With Laura Stevenson Pt. 2
Released on 03/15/2013
(brass band music)
We got here on Tuesday and then we just
walked around aimlessly trying to find a parking spot
and went to comedy shows.
We saw the Chris Gethard show.
I haven't done anything other than attempt to go see
other comedy shows.
I have not watched any music.
Had a really hefty game of ping pong with Peter.
I'm not sure who won because we stopped keeping score.
I think I was really focusing on my serve
but Peter was in it for the long game.
He was gonna get me at the end of each set.
He had a better strategy, I think, overall.
Wednesday we played at this place called Holy Mountain.
We did like a label showcase with other bands that
are on our label like Waxahatchee and California X
and that was really cool.
And then right after that we took all of our stuff
and we got to cut though the alleyway behind the two venues
so it was actually 200 feet maximum that we just carried
all of our things all the way over to the other venue.
It was super easy and I had no idea it was
going to be that easy.
But then we played at Barbarella at 12:30
All out friends and peers and friends in Austin
our friends from the Chris Hethard show were there
and so it was just like really positive.
I could hear my vocals.
It was nice.
We were on my uncle's boat called Margaritaville
on Lake Travis.
We like to stay here every time we're in Texas in Austin
because it's a really nice, wonderful place to be.
Outside of the craziness and we get to hang out with family.
It's nice.
My uncle has a limo and he drove us out to
Enchanted Rock.
It's basically this giant dome of pink granite that's
just kind of bulging out of the earth.
We climbed it and it was really hard.
Alex, Peter, and Dave had a pretty easy time of it
so that's annoying but I had a hard time.
It took two hours to get out there
and it was great.
We just climbed to the top and ran down, drove back,
got out of the car, went to a show.
Last time we were just like ugh,
just going to play everything and it's going to be crazy.
We had no idea what was going on and we were overwhelmed.
This time was a little less crazy
on the playing shows front.
A little more crazy on the press front.
We met with a radio person today and yesterday we
met with a label in the U.K. that we might work with.
Our new record's out April 23rd.
It's called Wheel.
The new tour is in support of the record
and we haven't done a headline tour in a really long time.
So we're just really excited to get out on the road.
(rock music)
♫ To give yourself a little bit of hope's a lie
♫ You said we're spinning where we stand
♫ And if you cling to tokens for your life you find
♫ You wind up with imaginary men
♫ Static transmit me
♫ To the other side of another room in pieces
♫ Like a steady beating
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The telescopic pull of what you know's a lie
♫ It's broken down a hundred thousand times
♫ The parts collapse in caving they're inside the atmosphere
♫ We're carving out our names into the air
♫ You are a runner,
♫ the steady balance as you're gaining in speed
♫ A photograph to scale the thrashing of your feet
♫ And it won't be over until the big, backhand of the sun
♫ Beats the tar out of the road you are on
♫ until it's won you
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ And as for all your suffering, you won't escape
♫ The sting until you're buried in the ground
♫ The beauty that you breathe into the air
♫ won't clear your name
♫ You have been sinning since the day you came around
♫ You are a runner,
♫ the steady balance as you're gaining in speed
♫ A photograph to scale the thrashing of your feet
♫ And it won't be over until the big, backhand of the sun
♫ Beats the tar out of the road you are on
♫ until it's won you
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
♫ The summer hurts
All right, thanks so much!
I like the clapping and snapping instead of just clapping.
I like that.
It's gentle.
Starring: Laura Stevenson
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