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    'Critical Role' Cast Answer The Most Googled Vox Machina Questions

    Laura Bailey, Matthew Mercer, Sam Riegel, Travis Willingham, and Liam O’Brien visit WIRED to answer 50 of the most googled questions about their animated series “The Legend of Vox Machina,” based on the first campaign of their wildly-popular and long-running D&D series ‘Critical Role.’ Season Three of The Legend of Vox Machina is now available to watch on Prime Video

    Released on 10/24/2024


    We're the cast of The Legend of Vox Machina!

    Some of them. Hey!

    And we're here today to answer

    the most Googled questions about our show.

    [remixed dial-up music]

    How did Vox Machina meet?

    There's a comic book about it.

    At the top of the comic book?

    We met at birth.


    Oh, that's right.

    We met in the canal.


    And Grog and Pike met when the Herd of Storms

    first attacked Westeruun.

    That's right. Correct.

    Where did they pick up Scanlan?

    Nobody cares.


    How did Vox Machina get their name?

    It's a replacement name.

    'Cause we were originally The Shit.


    We were The Shit.

    Which stands for super high intensity team.

    Yeah, obviously.


    We were like oh, we're about to start streaming our game.

    Maybe we shouldn't be The Shit so people take us seriously.

    And so we tried to come up with a name that made sense

    for our group, which was a bunch of voice actors.

    Where does Vox Machina take place?

    In the flat world of Exandria.


    Mostly on the continent of Tal'Dorei.

    Why is Vox Machina 18+?

    The characters don't wear clothes.

    Sometimes. Yeah.

    Maybe they don't wear clothes this season.

    And we never reference any adult situations of any kind.

    Family oriented mature material.

    How close is Vox Machina to Critical Role?

    That's open to interpretation.

    Well I mean I think the animated series

    is to the original show.

    Oh, to the original - got it got it got it got it.

    Very close, with fun liberties taken

    to keep the audiences guessing

    who came with us to the campaign.

    Who is Ripley?

    Ripley is an an incredibly intelligent engineering mind

    and became an employee of the Cerberus Assembly

    of Wildemount before becoming wrapped up

    in the machinations of The Briarwoods, and the dissolution

    of Whitestone's previous ruling family.

    And there's one responsible for torturing Percy.

    And turning his hair white, and has a lot of ambitions.

    Who is the big bad of Vox Machina?

    Ooh. Oh.

    The baddest bitch around is Vex'ahlia.

    Okay, not what the question was.

    The big bad of the animated series is Thordak

    and the Chroma Conclave.

    Who are the twins in Vox Machina?

    How perfect, gonna give you Vax for this one.

    I got this.

    That's you.


    And also me.


    We share the exact same birthday.

    In real life.

    And the first time we played the game at home,

    Laura said that she was going to be Vex

    and I was like great, why don't we be twins?

    And then we have the same birthday,

    so it made perfect sense.


    Who has the highest intelligence in a Vox Machina?

    [Travis] Nope.

    Are we talking about...

    Cast members.

    Point scores?

    Not wisdom, intelligence.

    In the traveling troupe called Vox Machina,

    probably Percy?

    Probably Percy.

    I think it's Percy.

    If you're going straight up like

    intelligence score on the character sheet.


    Are Percy and Vex together?


    What can we say?

    Are we allowed to say this?

    I mean, yeah.

    Oh they're together.


    How old is Vex?

    The world will never know.

    Who put this in here?

    You trying to get in trouble?


    No, when we started the game, the twins were 28.

    And Percy was 23?

    Listen, we're half elves, he's human.

    It's different!

    Dang, the younger man!

    I love it!

    Haven't you ever seen Twilight?

    What race is Vex?

    She's half elf. Half elf.

    You heard it.

    My question was easy.

    Is Keyleth in love with Vex?

    Yes she is.

    Well everybody's a little in love with Vex.


    I'm Vex, he's Vax.

    Vex could totally get together with Keyleth.

    I'm down for that.

    Down the line, you don't know what happens.

    There are many ways that could come to fruition.


    What kind of bear is Trinket?


    One that I know the answer to.


    Don't help.

    [Sam] Grizzly?



    He's a brown bear.

    Who kills Sylas Briarwood?


    It's not true.


    I mean in the series it's a combination

    of Pike and Keyleth actually.

    In the original campaign it was a reflection from there,

    but definitely I'd say it's the Sun Tree and Keyleth

    gives the final blow that turns him to ash.

    Like a vampire should go.



    That did have a little boomerang on it.

    It's fine.

    I'm so sorry, are you okay?

    There's shoulder pads, it's fine.

    Good, good, just making sure.

    Is Sylas a vampire?


    I think we should have Matt answer that one.

    Yeah, is Sylas a vampire?



    What is Orthax?


    Answer it, Sam.

    Orthax is a smoke demon.

    Oh, I thought it was a dry cleaner.

    That has possessed Percival Fredrickstein

    von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, and sort of bonds

    with his heart and turns it dark and evil.

    And eventually he has to excise that demon.


    Who is Umbrasyl?

    I thought it said who is unemployed.


    Umbrasyl is one of the Chroma Conclave.

    A collection of dragons who are dragging

    their asses all over the country.



    How did Umbrasyl heal himself?

    With Orthax.


    Dragons have healing potential, right?

    So if they sit for a second they can heal

    some of the damage as long as they're in a resting state.

    I actually had a whole other problem,

    and Umbrasyl cleared it right up.



    How did Umbrasyl go invisible?

    He's super introverted and just disappears at parties.


    No, he - certain dragons have different abilities.

    Being able to blend in and turn invisible

    to surroundings is one of his capabilities.

    Matt, do you think that if he turned

    invisible he could steal a shirt?


    [Sam laughs]

    [Laura gasps]

    What happens to Grog Strongjaw?

    What happens to him?

    What happened?

    I think it's supposed to be read as what happened?


    What happened to him?

    Nothing good and everything bad.

    Which is the way that we want it.

    I think he's just along for the ride.

    He's chasing flashy, shiny things

    and sticking with his buddies.

    [Liam] Does he get his own spinoff?

    No, he is Joey from Friends.

    He's the only one that doesn't pair up.

    You need help. Matt.

    What is Grog Strongjaw's intelligence score?

    Oh, I know the number.

    I know the number.

    Are you a bad friend?

    I think I remember you saying.

    I have an intelligence of six.


    Good job.

    [group oohing and laughing]

    Those have got corners to them!

    How powerful is Grog?

    Oh man, like the beefiest.

    I'm the strongest of all.

    I had a strength score of 26

    by the time the whole thing was done.

    That's only if you were wearing the titanstone.

    That's illegal.

    Not only!

    It's not important, but yes, I was wearing them.

    Not just the magical item -

    They were there also.

    It's so high.

    But they're monstrous!

    I feel like that's like the highest

    core stat that any of us had on -

    I picture him like The Mountain in Game of Thrones

    and he can just do the helmet squish where the eye is like.

    [mouths vomiting]

    [Matt] Just like that.

    Yep, pretty much.

    It's another Grog question.

    What is Grog's sword?


    Who is Grog's sword?

    That's a better question.

    Grog took Sylas Briarwood's sword after his demise

    known as Craven Edge which is a sentient weapon!

    It has a mind and can talk!

    Which is strange.

    And every time you slash somebody with it

    it would absorb their strength and their blood.

    Make it bigger and stronger.

    So cool.

    And then it made Grog turn evil.

    Yeah, it did real bad things to Grog -

    Oh my God!

    What does Pike call Grog?


    Buddies! Buddies!


    Which is confusing 'cause he's a singular person.

    [Laura] Yes, that's true.

    But buddies just stuck 'cause Ashley is Ashley.

    That's an Ashley Johnson.

    That's an Ashley-ism.

    Yup, Ashley Johnson-ism.


    Is Vax gay?

    That's a good question.

    I mean he's bi.

    He's kinda tied up at the moment

    where we are on the show, but he's been around.


    Do you want to throw that one?


    [Matt] That's great.

    Oh that's cute.

    Do Vax and Keyleth get together?

    They do.

    Awkwardly, slowly, with as much pain

    inflicted as possible, they do.

    Will Vax ever come back?

    Will Vax ever come back?

    [Sam] I think they mean...

    Well the honest answer is we don't know.

    We don't know!

    We don't know.

    And even he doesn't fully know.

    Do you?

    Not particularly.

    Some of the most beautiful stories have their tragedy to it

    and that's what makes them beautiful.

    I'm willing to roll with whatever feels natural.

    That's a shit answer, Matt.

    I know, I'm sorry!

    Why am I here?

    It's not a fair question.

    I foresaw a future where we hit

    one of those sprinklers and just.

    This is a tough one.

    [Sam] A tough one?


    [Sam] Like we won't know the answer?

    What is Scanlan's mother's name?

    No, just kidding, that's not what it is.


    How tall is Scanlan?

    Three foot six.


    Wow. Yes.

    It's precise.

    That's our son's height.

    No, he's much taller than that.

    Just kidding.


    What episode does Scanlan leave Vox Machina?



    You need to know the exact episode number.

    From the campaign.

    Of the live stream?

    [Travis] Yeah.


    Campaign One, episode 85.


    Title, A Bard's Lament.

    Wow! Well done!

    But in the animated series, who knows.

    What instrument does Scanlan play?


    What doesn't he play?

    When we were playing as a group at home, he had a shawm.

    He had a lute.

    He had a drum.

    Can we give him a theremin at some point?

    I think so, yeah. Sure.

    He plays the skin flute.

    Why is The Legend of Vox Machina 18+?

    I was gonna say the human body, but you made it -

    Why did Scanlan leave Vox Machina?

    Well in the game at the table, the party, when he was dead,

    decided it'd be good to cover him in, what, chocolate sauce?

    Yeah, and like whipped cream.

    Draw dicks on him, and.

    Yeah, we played pranks, but it was only based on

    how he'd been behaving up to that point.

    Sam had a scheduling conflict.


    He was in a rough place!

    He had been drinking, he had been consuming spice

    which is an illegal substance.

    And realized that his teammates

    didn't really know anything or care about him.

    That is not -

    That's not true!

    See, that's an old wound.

    That's not true.

    That is true!

    You -

    What's my mother's name?

    I know it now, it's Juniper!

    How old is Percy?

    I don't actually know this.

    I feel like, wait, I feel like I know this.

    He's young.

    He is young.

    The white hair is misleading.

    Early twenties, I think he was like 23.


    He's got the trauma hair.

    I know, I think he's 23.



    How tall is Percy?

    Tall enough. Tall enough.


    You can see why they're the twins.


    Ma'am, excuse me.

    This is an Arby's.

    I know exactly how tall he is.

    You do?

    In the animated series he is six foot even.


    Because he is the benchmark for all other characters.


    We use him as the size comparison

    for all the rest of the characters designs.

    He's our ruler.

    How did Percy meet Vox Machina?

    We found him in our home game.

    He was in a prison cell.

    In the basement of a manor.

    Yeah, yeah.

    And he was in there for murder.

    That's right.

    Or attempted murder.

    Attempted murder, yeah.

    You know, vengeance was in his heart.


    So mysterious.

    But the difference between the campaign

    and the show was that in the campaign

    he had a ton of gold and we took it all.

    Who does Percy marry?

    Who knows.

    [Laura laughs]

    Maybe one day we'll get to explore.


    It's Vax, it's here.

    Nope, not Vax. Nope, not Vax.


    I said Vex.

    No, you said Vax. You said Vax.

    I thought I said...

    [Liam] Let's leave the options open.

    Why is Percy's hair white?

    Because he looked into the closet in Poltergeist.

    Yeah, that's the reason. Oh good reference.

    This house is clear.



    He had old trauma, he got tortured by Ripley

    and the minions of the Briarwoods,

    and all of that turned his hair shock white.

    What race is Percy?

    He's a human, baby.

    He's a dude.

    He's just a dude.

    Just a dude, bro.

    What is Percy's class?




    His class was one that you made up, wasn't it?

    Well it was a fighter class, but I had kind of adapted

    a gunslinger subclass for it, yeah.

    What is Percy's full name?


    Maybe we should -

    [Laura] No, I know this.

    Do one name at a time.

    I'll start it, Percival.


    [Matt] Von Musel.


    De Rolo.

    The Third.

    There it is.

    We got there.


    Who created Exandria?



    Matt Mercer!

    [Travis] It's in his brain.

    Well not all me.

    We created it together too.

    Like a lot of it was collaborative elements

    of you guys creating your backstories and -

    I'm very proud of our 1%.

    [Laura] Yeah.

    More than that, buddy.

    Give yourself some credit.

    What is the religious city in Exandria?

    Well technically there are many religious cities

    in Exandria, but if we're referring

    to the most religious city, that would be Vasselheim.

    The Dawn Cradle, and the beginning of civilization,

    as well as faith within the pantheon of Exandria.

    I'm gonna stop.

    Your turn.

    How do you come up with all that?

    All the lore.

    I spend a lot of time alone.


    How many outer planes does Exandria have?

    Ooh, we can do this.

    Without Matt answering.

    We know the exact number?

    Okay, Fey Realm.

    Shadow Realm.

    That's not a thing.


    Fields of Elysium.



    Does that count as nine? Do you count nine though?

    [Laura] They're on Exandria.

    Oh wait, what about Fire Plane, Water Plane.

    [Laura] Oh!

    Air Plane?


    Okay, just guess a number.

    I think it was nine.


    I'm gonna go with 10.

    As I'm still developing the world, who knows.


    This is a good one for me.

    What'd you get?

    Is Exandria flat?



    We've established that it is so.

    No! No!

    My character in Campaign Three,

    Fresh Cut Grass, believes that the world is flat

    and has been offered no proof otherwise, so.

    Absolutely not true.


    I told you this, right?

    The Flat Earth Society reached out

    and offered me a membership.

    They did.

    [Sam] They did.

    They really thanked you for your contribution.

    They did, and then I wrote back and I was like guys,

    you know I'm just kidding, right?

    And they were like we don't care.


    All right.

    Who is the wife of Sylas Briarwood?

    50% of our fan.s

    It's true.


    Yeah. Mmmhm.

    She's a bad lady.

    She's such a sweet lady.

    Oh, Does Pike marry Scanlan?

    Go ahead.

    The answer is yes.

    [Sam] Often.



    A few times and/or after drinks.

    They haven't married in the series.

    That depends on how many seasons we get.

    Who knows if they will.

    Click, watch, enjoy.

    They'll both have to survive first.

    That's true.

    Who is the most popular member of Vox Machina?

    I can take it from here, guys.


    Is this based on the campaign or the animated series?

    'Cause I feel like it might be different.

    [Sam] I think it's the same.

    I would say Keyleth for the animated series.

    The campaign?


    Grog's pretty popular.


    I can make an argument for many of you.

    Everybody has their favorite.

    Based on the animated series, I'm gonna say Percy

    Based on the amount of of fan art that I've seen

    and cosplay, I'm gonna probably go with Percy.

    Who is the best NPC in Vox Machina?


    This is a pit!

    In the series maybe.

    I mean it's Matt Mercer.

    Matt Mercer appears in The Legend of Vox Machina

    all over the place as various guards, bad guys, children.

    I think for me it was Jarett

    because he was a guard at our Keep

    and everybody wanted to bone Jarett.

    I'll go Gilmore.

    I gotta say Gilmore, right?


    I'm partial to Allura because Allura

    was kind of my self-insert

    in the campaign and in the series.

    She's so good.

    Matt Mercer!

    Matt Mercer's my answer.

    Oh on our show?

    On our show, yeah.

    How big is Exandria?

    That is actually a really good question.

    It's just a question of area, right?

    'Cause we have three really large continents,

    plus the Shattered Teeth, and then a whole breadth

    of underwater stuff that we haven't even

    started to scratch, plus poles.

    And I mean we haven't even gotten

    to the full edges of the sandbox.

    But you know, in terms of storytelling potential,

    how big is it?

    ♪ It's expansive ♪

    You have to sing the answer.

    ♪ It's expansive ♪

    Welp, those are all the questions.

    Thank you so much for watching.

    We love you.

    Goodbye! Yay, we did it!

    [outro jingle]
