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'Fallout' Cast Answer Fallout's Most Googled Questions

The cast of Amazon Prime Video's 'Fallout' answer the most Googled questions from fans. Watch as Ella Purnell (Lucy), Walton Goggins (The Ghoul) and Aaron Clifton Moten (Maximus) answer questions like; What year did the bombs drop? Was Bethesda involved in the TV series? How does one become a ghoul in Fallout?

Season one of FALLOUT releases April 11 on Prime Video.

Director: Jackie Phillips
Director of Photography: AJ Young
Editor: Louis Lalire
Talent: Walton Goggins, Aaron Moten, Ella Purnell
Creative Producer: Justin Wolfson
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Guylas, Brandon White
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Production Coordinator: Kevin Balash
Talent Booker: Meredith Judkins, Paige Garbarini
Camera Operator: Shay Eberle-Gunst
Sound Mixer: Kara Johnson
Production Assistant: Lauren Boucher, Mike Kritzell
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Doug Larsen
Supervising Editor: Ian Bryant
Additional Editor: Paul Tael
Assistant Editor: Fynn Lithgow

Released on 04/10/2024


I Googled How can I play Fallout-

Uh-huh. Online?

You thought there should be a website

that you could go to?

Yeah, I was like

Yeah. And was surprised.

I learned that you can't- You can't.

Play it online. Yeah.

Hi, Wired.

We are the cast of Fallout,

and we are answering the most-Googled questions

about Fallout.

[Walton] Okay, here we go.

[percussive music]

[modem screeching]

When did the bombs drop in Fallout?

Ooh. Wow.


I think we all know. 2077.

We know this one. 2077. [bell dings]

2077. That's easy.

Got that one.

Did you just throw that on the ground?

That's what we do. Yeah.

How many vaults are in Fallout?

Do you know the,

do you know the answer to this one?

How many vaults in Fallout?

How many vaults are in Fallout?

Well, you're in Vault-

How do you know?

33? There's at least 33.

[Aaron laughs]

There's at least 33.

There's at least 33.

Okay. There's 33 that we know of.


We're actors.

We're not writers.

I think it's 122. 122? You think so?

I think it's 122. [bell dings]

Wow. That's a lot.

I don't know my lines, but I know that.

Yeah. Perfect.

Is Fallout TV show canon?

It's a story within the Fallout universe

that fits in the canon

of Fallout, [bell dings]

but it's not based

or predicated

on one of the Fallout games.

That was good. Yeah.

Was that good? Yeah.

Okay. Great.

There we go.

My turn.

Thank you so much,

by the way, for making these words so big,

[Ella laughs]

because I usually need glasses.

How big would a real life Vault-Tec vault

from the Fallout universe be?

Ooh, great question.

I didn't know that one.

How big would a real life Vault-Tec vault be?

Wait, how many people live in a vault?

Uh, you know- A lot.

I mean, there are- At least 33.

There are numbered streets.

There's a High Street. [Ella and Aaron laugh]


You got a couple of neighborhoods, right?

I mean, it supports about- It's a little town.

Like 300,

300 people?

300, 300, 400.

Yeah, 300, 400 people?

So let's go with, like,

the size of, like, an Amazon warehouse.

[Ella laughs]

[all laughing]

I don't know. I'm gonna go, like-

I think that's right.

Let's go 50,000 square feet.

Yeah, 50,000 square feet.

100,000 square feet. [bell dings]

[Aaron] What is that in square meters?

Yeah. I don't know.

I live in America. [Ella laughs]

Who are the good guys in Fallout?

I mean, depends who you ask.

Villains- That's probably right.

Become heroes that become villains

and then heroes again.

Just a lot of gray area.

It's a lot of gray area.

Who are the actors in the Fallout TV show?

[Ella laughs]

[Aaron vocalizing]

This is us. [all laughing]

We did it. We-


I play Maximus.

He's Aaron Moten. What?

I'm Ella Purnell. I play Lucy.

I'm Walton Goggins,

and I play The Ghoul.

How about that?

The Irradiated Ghoul.

Why does Lucy leave the vault?

[Ella inhales deeply]

Um... To get,

to get food?

To get the other side.

I'm just kidding.

[all laughing] To get to the other side.

She has a mission

that she has to complete somewhere else.

What's the mission?

I can't say.

[Walton and Aaron laugh]


I don't wanna get sued. Just like that,

Out. Out. Next one. Don't sue me, Amazon.

Are Fallout ghouls immortal?

Wow. Wow.

You know, I don't know the answer to that,

to that question.

I know that I've lived for 200 years.

It's a very long time.

But you can die.

I think yeah.

I think, yeah, you can die.

Yeah, ghouls die.

Yeah, the ghouls die all the time.

[bell dings] All the time?

[Ella] Yeah. Yeah. It's tragic.

This one, this one just hasn't, yet.

It's in my contract.

[Aaron laughs]

We'll see if he lives to 205 years.

[Aaron and Walton laugh]

What is Mr. Handy in Fallout?

Am I right in thinking that's the robot?

[bell dings]

You know, he's a pretty cool robot, too.

He is, actually. Yeah.


He's one of the first characters you meet in the game.

Well, in Fallout 4, the game that I played.

And it's a really good intro to Fallout.


Toss it. Oh.

Oh, yeah.

What am I thinking? Get it outta here.

Is Maximus in the Brotherhood of Steel?

Yes. [bell dings]

Yeah. We're getting through these.

[Walton] Simple.

Does the internet exist in the Fallout universe?

No. [buzzer buzzing]

I don't think so.

No. No.

I don't think so.

Good luck. No.

Is Wasteland in the Fallout universe?


Wasteland is in the Fallout universe.

[bell dings]

It's a very, very big part

of the Fallout universe.

And the Wasteland, as far as we know it,

I mean, we're,

the first season takes place in Los Angeles.

We can say that.

But it could be all over the world.

Probably is all over the world.


And we will explore the entire world

in the 10 seasons that we do this show.

[Ella laughs]


So thank you very much for watching it.

[Ella laughs]

Who is the dog in Fallout?

In the game,

it's Dogmeat.

Dogmeat. Dogmeat.

Yeah. Yeah.

In the show, he- CX-

He is CX404. [bell dings]

CX, CX404.

Nailed it.

Yeah. Got that one.

Can I just take a second?

[Aaron] Yeah, why?

We've answered a lot of these questions correctly.

Yeah, we have. Yeah.

We're doing pretty good here.

Is there a score? It's not bad.

No. But there should be a score.

We're against all of you-

We're a very competitive cast.

Watching at home, and we're winning.

We like everything to be a competition.

We're winning.

Is Fallout TV show based in California?

It is. [bell dings]

[Aaron] Yes.


Oh, this is a hard one.

What creature would be the most dangerous

in the Fallout universe?

This one, probably.

Right here.

Ooh. I'm a creature.

[Ella laughs]

I'm a reptile.

There's a lot of,

I mean, in Fallout the game-

The show is different, right? But-

The gulpers. The gulper is one.

Yeah, yeah.

What about your guy? Yeah.

A yao guai's, yeah,

that's pretty formidable.

You know, Dogmeat- What about your guy?

Dogmeat's pretty formidable. Yeah.

You know, like, let's just- That's right.

Just a basic Belgian Malinois.

Yeah. Yeah.

He's, that's pretty dangerous.

Oh, we forgot about the Deathclaw.

[bell dings]

We forgot about the Deathclaw.

The Deathclaw is,

can invoke death.

[all laughing]


Oh. Can Fallout ghouls reproduce?

Wow. Uh- [Ella laughs]

Not ready for primetime on this one.

That's you.

You know, I- Highly-Googled.

Highly-Googled. [Aaron laughs]

You know, I-

Maybe there could be, like, a ghoul baby.

[buzzer buzzing]

I mean, we didn't come across any ghoul babies.

I don't think there has been any ghoul babies,

but there could be. No, no ghoul babies.

I don't know that the ghoul that I play

has ever engaged

in a reproductive exercise.

So I don't, I don't know.

What Fallout game is the show based on?

It's not based on any of the games

except the world

of all the games.

[bell dings] This is an original story

that takes place in the world of Fallout.

In the world of Fallout.

Who is the girl in Fallout?

It's me.

[Aaron laughs]

I'm the girl. Hey. Whoa.

My name's Ella. I play Lucy.

I'm the girl in Fallout. [bell dings]

You are!

[Aaron laughs]

Ooh, I'm so sorry.

Did I get you?

You throw it back.

[Ella laughs]

I wanted to do something kind of different.

When does the Fallout TV show take place?


The bombs fell 2077.

219 years after 2077.

219, is that right? 219. That's what it is.


So that would make it


plus 19

would be 97 minus one.

That's how I do math.

[Aaron laughs]

Wait, like- So

2, 2,

2296. [bell dings]


Who plays The Ghoul in Fallout TV show?

Aaron Moten. [Ella laughs]

He's amazing.

[Aaron laughs] He's amazing.

No, I play The Ghoul.

I play The Ghoul in the Fallout TV show.

[bell dings]

I've got great makeup on,

but I really look like The Ghoul underneath this makeup.

It's really weird.

Who is overseer in Fallout TV show?

Ooh. Ooh.

The overseer is played by Kyle MacLachlan.

[bell dings] Right.

And he is called Hank.

And he's my dad. He's her papa.

Not in real life;

in the show.

He's a great guy. Amazing.

What an icon.

He's an icon. I love him.

He's an incredible actor.

We're very, very lucky to have him.

[Ella] He's a good guy.

Thank you, Kyle. Thank you, Kyle.

Where is Kyle? For coming on board.

He's not here.

They didn't invite him.

Just the three of us.

'Cause we're all that matter.

Why does Fallout look like the '50s?

I'm pretty sure, in the Fallout world,

micro-processors were never invented.

So futuristic things,

the way people saw them in the '50s

is kind of the design of the show.

[Walton] Yeah.

But when Fallout was made,

they pulled elements

from all kinds of different reference points

to make their look. [bell dings]

It's retro-futuristic

and nostalgic.


You know, it's cool.

Are there any female ghouls in Fallout?


You would know the answer to this question.

There are female ghouls. [bell dings]

Yeah, they do- Yeah.


Yeah. They exist.

Are there-

Why is this one of the most cuckoo questions?

Are there any horses in the Fallout universe?

This is just me Googling this.

[Ella laughs]

So frequently.

I- I haven't seen any,

and I would love to see a two-headed,

three-headed horse.

I don't know.

It would be mutated.

It wouldn't look like a horse.

No. No.

I mean, I...

If, you know, The Ghoul's been around

for 200 years-

Wouldn't you have you seen it?

You would think that he would have picked a horse

instead of walking.

[Ella and Aaron laugh]

It's a lonely Wasteland.

I don't know that there are horses.

[bell dings] I'm gonna say no.

I'm gonna say no.

I don't,

I'm not, I don't know,

but I'm gonna disagree. Yeah.

Oh, what's the armor in the Fallout TV show?

We have a few models,

but our main model

is a T-60 Power Armor suit. [bell dings]

Wow. Did you,

did it make you feel,

was it, was it-

Of course.

You put any part of that armor on

and people move out of your way.

[Walton] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That's cool.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, man. I would love to-

I want one. Put on one of those suits.

What are gulpers in Fallout?

What are they, really?

I mean, I know

they're sort of irradiated- Like-

Water creatures. [bell dings]


they're huge catfish. Right.

They're really, really big catfish.

But they're-

But blended with... Really messed up.

Blended with... Blended with-

They're kind of buff, though.

Yeah. They're buff.

Like, they're buff.

They're kind of blended with humans, right?

They have arms. They're like people.

Yeah. They're weird.

They're weird.

There's someone out there that thinks gulpers are hot.

I'm just putting that out there.

Ugh. [Walton laughs]

How to become a ghoul in Fallout?

Well, you gotta have a great agent.

[Ella and Aaron laugh]

You know, for me it's CAA.

You know,

it's through radiation. [bell dings]

So everyone kind of has that potential,

or fate, I suppose,

if you live long enough

living in a radioactive world

or an irr-



[Ella laughing] Irradiated world.

Irradiated world. There we go.

[Ella laughing]

That you can kind of become a ghoul.


You, too, can become a ghoul.

It takes about three hours in the chair every morning.

If you just believe in yourself.

[all laughing]

Was Bethesda involved

in Fallout TV show?

Todd Howard and Jonah Nolan

are the whole conversation

that started the entire process of creating

our show of Fallout. [bell dings]

Bethesda is very much involved,

and I think they're really happy with this show.

Oh, do you? I do.

Oh, do you?

Do you think that we will get

other Bethesda games for free?

Ooh. We should ask them. Like some swag?

You know, like a couple of things?

I want some Bethesda swag.

Hint, hint.

[Walton laughs]

How many questions- [Aaron and Ella laughing]

What are you guys doing?

Is this deck of cards,

it's a deck of cards. Come on, guys.

How realistically do you think the Fallout universe

portrays a post-apocalyptic world?

I'd like to, like,

have dinner with the person

that actually Googled this.

This is a very serious- It's a big question.

I like it.

Question, really, yeah.

Well, I think it depends

on what caused the apocalypse, right?

This is very specifically a nuclear apocalypse.

Yeah. That's right.

Very specifically,

what makes Fallout

is the two-headed cows

and the retro-futuristic vibe

and, you know.

And the reorganization of people, you know.

Yeah. The clan formations-

Right. That happen.

There's some things that I think are extremely realistic.

[Ella] Very realistic.

Well, and I,

I think it bears kind of repeating, like,

because it's a serious question.

So many of the locationss that we went to photograph

in Namibia were real.

Yes. Right?

So, so much of it is not green screen.

And so it feels very tactile and real.


Ooh, that's for you.

Is the Brotherhood of Steel evil?

Another big question.

Very big question. Boy.

Well, I believe the Brotherhood of Steel

believes that everything they're doing is right and just,

and that they are the good guys.

You take the last one.


Can ghouls turn feral?

The answer is absolutely. [bell dings]

I haven't, yet.

Lucky, I suppose.

But there are a lot of feral ghouls in the show.

It's pretty, it's pretty gnarly, huh?


It's rough.

You experienced them.

Yeah. It's rough.

Yeah. Yeah.

You do not wanna get on the wrong side of a feral ghoul.

I think feral ghouls give all ghouls a bad name.

I agree with you.

I absolutely agree with you.

Feral ghouls give good ghouls-

It's hard out here for a ghoul.

A bad name. [Aaron laughs]

It's hard to be a ghoul.

Hot out here for a ghoul.

[Walton and Aaron laugh]

And with that,

I thank you.

Thank you for having us.

That was some of the most-Googled questions

about Fallout.

[modem screeching]
