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    'Transformers One' Cast Answer 50 of the Most Googled Transformers Questions

    Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, and Keegan-Michael Key—stars of the new film ’Transformers One’—visit WIRED to answer 50 of the most googled questions about Transformers. Are Transformers robots? Where do Transformers come from? Who is Primus? Why was Optimus Prime called Orion Pax? Were Orion Pax and Megatron once friends? How old are the Transformers? Answers to these questions and many more await with Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, and Keegan-Michael Key. Transformers One releases September 20

    Released on 09/19/2024


    Hey, Wired.

    We are the cast of Transformers One,

    and we are going to answer

    the most Googled questions about Transformers.

    [upbeat percussive music]

    Let's see what's in the box!

    Are Transformers robots?

    Oh, gosh!

    Sort of, right?

    They're like alien life form robots.

    That's how I think of them, I think of them as.

    They're actually not robots,

    are they, technically?

    No, they're not robots,

    they're aliens.

    Oh, man, this took a turn.

    They're aliens, they're aliens.

    But I think that they have minds and souls and stuff.


    They're aliens who happen to be metal.

    Robotic aliens.

    [bell dinging]

    Oh, boy. Okay.

    Where do Transformers come from?



    They come from Cybertron.


    Come on, man! We're gonna knock these.

    We're abouts to knock these out!

    Alright, then. Who is Primus?

    Primus was an entity who was a robot.

    He was a robot. He was a Transformer,

    but then he sacrificed himself to save the planet

    and became the planet. He became Cybertron.

    So all the other life forms could thrive and live.

    Toss that. You got that one.

    Were Orion Pax and Megatron friends?


    Absolutely they were.

    They were best friends.


    Before becoming mortal enemies.

    I love that it says Orion Pax and Megatron.

    Is it a trick question?

    Oh boy.

    Wait a second.

    I'm sorry, I can I just overthink this?

    You're going to.

    [Chris chuckling]

    You're going to. Look, and the next one is about you.

    Why is Bumblebee called B-127?

    Why is Bumble called B-127? Because that.

    [Keegan-Michael exhaling]

    Toss it. Toss it.

    I literally don't know that one.


    Why is Optimist Prime called Orion Pax?

    That's not fair.

    [buzzer sounding]

    Yeah, toss that one.

    [Keegan-Michael laughing]

    Okay, what?

    [Brian laughing]

    What is Megatron's real name?


    Brian Tyree Henry. Boom! D-16 I believe is true.

    Megatronus Prime was D-16's hero.

    [Brian] Yeah.

    That's right.

    That's where the Decepticons' insignia comes from.

    Megatronus Prime, he has a sticker.

    That's right, Megatronus Prime.

    Megatronus, yeah.

    This is deep. They're learnin' so much.

    Why does Megatron not like Optimus Prime?

    Oh wow. Why don't you like me?

    Well, one, he has the most radiant blue eyes

    and it's really unfair because Megatron has jaundice.

    So like, your Optimus Prime gets these

    beautiful crystal pools and I'm just like headlights.

    And that pisses me off.

    Like old headlights.

    It's not fair.

    Like on a '97 Camry.

    Like a jalopy.

    Can Transformers eat human food?

    This is a most Googled question about Transformers?

    I would say yes. They could, but they would get sick.

    They would have allergic reaction.

    [Keegan-Michael] Yes.

    Like the food would get all up in their gears.

    [buzzer sounding]

    In their robotic alien gears.

    Yeah, digestive issues.

    This one's really, really good. Can Transformers cry?

    [hand tapping]

    I'm gonna say no 'cause we'd rust!

    Yeah, like what?

    Like common sense!

    [Chris] What do you mean? Little bits of oil. Little bit.

    It'd be like Tin Man.

    Is it like straight up old school, Tin Man oil tears?


    [Keegan-Michael imitating squeaking]


    I'm gonna say yes.

    Why is Megatron called D-16?

    To try and.

    There's a G-`rated and an X-rated one.

    [Keegan-Michael whistling]

    So which one do you want? Why?

    Wow, that's a hell of a spectrum. It's.


    There's not even an R-rated!


    [all laughing]

    Okay. Yeah, there is no in-between.

    Can Transformers reproduce? Now that we segue.

    No, no, they can't reproduce. They don't.

    They just make more of them and then give 'em.

    They're born through. How are they born?

    Yeah, I don't know.

    They cabbage patch?

    It's like a Cybertronic cabbage patch.


    They're formed like, Primus forms them.

    Like Cybertron forms them.

    But a limited amount? Does he continue to form them?

    Like are we?

    Are our numbers dwindling?

    This is what I'm in between all day. You guys.

    We care so much about this.

    [Brian laughing]

    I'm just really glad we did all that research

    before making this film.

    How long do transformers live? Forever.

    6,000 years.

    [buzzer sounding]

    Yeah. Oh, more?

    15,000 years.

    [buzzer sounding]

    100,000 years?

    100,000 years? 200? Billions of years?


    Millions of years. Millions and millions of years.

    Millions and millions of years? Forever.

    Who is the most loved Autobot?


    [buzzer sounding]

    Is that true?

    [Brian laughing]

    I'm was gonna say Bumblebee.

    Is Megatron a Prime?

    He's not a Prime.

    [Chris] Was.

    I'm a Decepticon.

    Why is he called Bumblebee?

    He's called Bumblebee because of.

    He's a bug. When he is on Earth,


    he's come in two forms.

    He's either been a Camaro or a Bug. Like a VW Bug.


    And I always thought him being a VW Bug is where he got.

    'Cause there's different kind of insects.

    He's yellow, Bumblebee. That's where gets the name from.

    Your ears are bleeding. It's like now.

    There's like. I watched it fall.

    Just need some tissue.

    [Brian laughing]

    Why did D-16 become Megatron? Because of his eyes!

    [buzzer sounding]

    Don't you remember the first one?

    And the eye color pissed him off so much

    that he was like? Just done.

    [Keegan-Michael laughing]

    Could Transformers transform on Cybertron?

    Yeah. Yes, they transform on Cybertron.

    Yeah, yeah, of course.

    [Brian] How do Transformers transform?

    They have transformation cogs.

    [Brian] Yep.

    Which gives them the ability to transform.

    [bell dinging]

    Boom. God, we are good at this!

    [Keegan-Michael] Yeah.

    Why doesn't Bumblebee speak?

    He actually does speak in this film.

    I think he loses his voice box when he leave,

    when he goes from Cybertron to Earth.

    There we go.

    Do Cybertronians call themselves Transformers?


    No, no, no.

    I think they just call themselves Cybertronians.

    They're just like. Or whatever state in Cybertronia.

    Like they don't know that they're?

    Everybody's a Cybertronian,

    but some people are from Cybowa, some are from Cawaii.

    I literally was like,

    what are the Cybertronian states, please?

    Cybigan, Cykansas.

    Is there a north Cy?



    Cystralia, yeah.



    Who is your favorite Transformer?

    [Keegan-Michael laughing]

    You are terrible.

    My favorite Transformer is Soundwave.

    Soundwave from the original.

    Did you just belch?

    I did belch.

    Before you said Soundwave?

    Right as I said Soundwave.

    Like that was an example of?

    I was prepping for him.

    Got it.

    Because he's the one Transformer

    who has like a robot voice and not a regular voice.

    He had the.

    [imitating gravely robotic voice]


    And then he also had other Transformers inside of him.

    Excuse me?

    When he was on Earth,

    he turned from a robot into a boombox.

    He had like a pterodactyl.

    I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.

    This is going. Okay. We're like. Chris needs to.


    What's your favorite Transformer, Chris?

    We shared this one!

    Did we? No, what's your?

    Actually Bumblebee.

    Mine is a Transformer that nobody knows called Ratchet.

    There is a literal Transformer called Ratchet,

    [bell dinging]

    and it is exactly what you think.

    Can Transformers feel pain? Right now? Yes.

    [bell dinging]

    [all laughing]

    Can Transformers turn into humans? Come on, Google.

    Come on, Google. Come on.


    [Brian] Oh, we can't do this again.

    Are Transformers aliens?


    Yes, they are aliens.

    They are not! They are robots!

    They aren't.

    Robots don't.

    Can I say this? Robots don't exist!

    Are they living?

    They're living beings! They're living, yeah.

    Which is why Megatron tries to destroy you all.

    What is the difference between an Autobot and a Decepticon?

    [Chris] Wow.

    Intelligence and, clearly, eye color.

    [buzzer sounding]

    They've been naughty.

    [Jackie] So, is our like, is one like good and evil?

    But what is good and evil, though?

    Hold on, we need to unpack that.

    Because like, just because an Autobot can like turn into a.

    Decepticons? Like deceiving?

    That's even, that's in the name, isn't it?

    But, I, but, but, but. And sometimes,

    I feel like the Decepticons are, in a way,

    antagonized by the Autobots.

    Because sometimes, the Decepticons

    are minding they business and,

    all of of a sudden, the Autobots wanna turn into like a,

    a 18-wheeler.

    I think in the films that we've seen,

    they're kind of on the end of the spectrum of evil.

    In our film, yeah. It is, there's a lot more ambiguity.

    Gray area. Much more gray area in our movie.

    And uncertainty. And you could, sort of,

    justify both sides in a way.

    I agree.

    Which is cool.

    Is Optimus or Megatron stronger?

    Hm. Stronger how?

    Like, like, like.

    Like emotionally?

    Like who can bench more?


    Who can bench more.

    And I think they're equally yoked, honestly.

    [bell dinging]

    Equally yoked?

    I do. I think that they both are in that same.

    They're both intelligent,

    they both have really good crews.

    They're the other side of each other in a way, you know?

    I mean really.


    Yeah, Megatron kind of has the upper hand

    for a lot of

    Can you say that to the camera?

    the film.

    One more time.

    But I don't want, you know.


    I don't wanna give away the end of the film.

    I tried.

    [Brian and Chris laughing]

    I tried. Is Bumblebee Optimus Prime's son?

    Yes, yes.

    [bell dinging]

    Oh, I mean.


    100%, he's his son. Thank you, dad.

    Yep, yep.

    That's all I wanted.

    I was like, 'Just call him Dad. Please.'

    [Keegan-Michael laughing]

    The internet needs it.

    Who are the 13 Prime Transformers? Come on.


    No, Keegan, you know this.

    There's Alpha Trion, Megatronus.

    Megatronus Prime.

    There's, Alpha Trion, Megatronus.

    See, I'm pretending like I actually.

    [Brian] I was like.

    I was like, the finger count was really convincing!


    'Who are you looking at?' Can you tell us?


    [Jackie] Optimus Prime,

    Optimus Prime.

    [Jackie] Megatronus.


    It's like we're comin' up with them.


    [Jackie] Liege Maximo.

    Excuse me? What did you call me?


    [Jackie] Quintus Prime.

    Oh, Quintus Prime.

    Obviously, Quintus Prime.

    Quintus Prime. He's black by the way.

    [Jackie] Alchemist Prime.

    There, of course, is Alchemist Prime.

    Alchemist is my favorite.

    That's true.

    [all laughing]

    He's the one with all the potions.


    How many more?

    Yeah, I think we got all 13.

    Once they edit it.

    [color bars test beeping]

    Optimus Prime.

    Alpha Trion.

    Micronus Prime.


    Obviously, Quintus Prime.

    Amalgamous Prime? Onyx Prime! Nexus Prime.

    There is, of course is Alchemist Prime. Micronus.

    Solus, Vector.

    [Keegan-Michael] Vector Prime.

    And then there's Prima Prime.

    [Chris] Prima.

    Why did Megatron want the Allspark? Well, power.

    [bell dinging]


    Infinite power. Yeah, he wanted infinite power.

    Not out the side of your mouth.

    He wants the Allspark.

    [Brian laughing]

    What's the Allspark?

    Why did Cybertron fall?


    [Brian and Chris laughing]

    Because of the war

    between the Decepticons and the Autobots

    is why Cybertron was left.

    Yeah, man. I want you guys to know

    there are 30 more questions in here. Are we?

    Oh, shit. Are there really?

    Are we really?

    How about, okay. Just, all right. How about we do this?

    So, yep, uh huh. Boom. Boom.

    How old is Optimus Prime? In the film, he is.

    Which cycle is he?

    The ripe young age of like 25, but in robot years.

    In robot and Cybertronian.

    2 million.

    [buzzer sounding]

    2 million years old? About 2 million?

    Who is stronger? Primus or Unicron?

    Primus. Primus is stronger.

    The big metal horn.


    [Brian chuckling]

    And finally. Which Transformers movie has Sentinel Prime?

    Transformers One.


    It's not working.

    All right, wait, who is older?

    Who is older? You need to know this.

    Who is older? Optimus Prime or Megatron?

    Megatron. Megatron's older.

    Why did Megatron go bad? Again, blue eyes.

    What's, no, what's the real answer?

    He was disillusioned with the system.

    He's disillusioned with the system.

    Which Decepticon is the strongest? Megatron.

    Does Optimus remember being Orion Pax? Oh yes, of course.

    [bell dinging]

    He evolves into Optimus Prime.

    [Brian] Yes.

    With complete memory of his experiences as Orion Pax.

    Did Starscream used to be an Autobot?


    [buzzer sounding]

    He started as a Decepticon

    and then he was disillusioned by Megatron.

    And then went to work for the Autobots. That's right.

    So a traitor.

    So he's a traitor, he's a traitor.

    For most of. For what I hear.

    Was Megatron once an Autobot?

    No! Absolutely not. Megatron.

    That came off the head.

    Did that really hit? I'm so sorry.

    Oh, come on, man.

    Which Transformers have switched sides?




    Grimlock, obviously.


    Grimlock. I mean, thanks Chris.

    Yeah. Did we name all of those guys?

    [buzzer sounding]

    No, there's a lot.

    [throat clearing]

    Why can Megatron transform into a gun?

    Ore 13.

    And that made him be able to change?

    That made him be able to transform into a gun, yeah.

    Who was the Prime before Orion Pax?

    Oh, it was Sentinel.

    Sentinel Prime.

    Sentinel Prime, right?

    Yeah. Sentinel Prime.

    Are the 13 Primes dead? Yes.

    Yes they are.

    They are gone.

    Yes they are.

    Well, one of them.

    Well, right now. Like right now?

    Right at this moment? Yep.

    They're definitely all dead.

    [Chris] Yeah.

    [Brian] How does Orion Pax

    become Optimus Prime?

    I'm not gonna tell you. You're gonna have to see the movie

    because it is. It's right in the, sort of,

    crescendo moment in the film.

    That's right.

    Yeah, you wouldn't wanna give that away.

    And it's quite a big reveal,

    and something I wasn't aware of until I,

    you know, participated in making this film.

    And that was incredibly exciting,

    so I don't wanna wreck that for you. See the film.

    Well done.

    What does the Allspark do?

    Enhance their power.


    It's like a.

    Infinite power.

    It gives life to dead things.

    It's like an artifact that gives like power,

    like ultimate power, life, thing.

    Life energy?

    Yeah, yeah, yeah.

    A genie in the bottle.

    Yeah, pretty much.

    How old is Bumblebee in human years? Keegan?

    I mean, you know, he's like 16.

    No, no, he's like in his twenties.

    He's like in his twenties.


    Oh yeah? Oh! Yeah.

    He's got like a youthful verve.

    Excuse me?

    A youthful verve.

    You have to stop saying that.

    Who is the evilest Decepticon?

    Well, you know, clearly Megatron.


    Megatron runs it, you know what I'm saying?

    We answered all those questions.

    And we answered all the Google questions

    about Transformers. And nobody got hurt!

    Nobody got, I mean, I, got a little paper cut here,

    but everybody's fine.

    Emotionally, but.

    Emotionally, we're drained.


    We did it, so.

    Thank you, Wired.

    Thanks, Wired.

    Thanks, Wired.

    [outro music playing]
