Nintendo Game Boy vs. Sledgehammer
Released on 09/04/2014
What's up, everyone, welcome to Battle Damage!
In today's episode, we're gonna see
how well this Nintendo Game Boy
holds up to our three trials by fire.
(energizing rock music)
Released in 1989, the Nintendo Game Boy
was notoriously tough.
But will it stand up to what we have in store for it?
There are three basic tests here on Battle Damage:
drop from a normal height, drop from really high,
and finally, a random act of complete
and utter destruction.
[Justin] And we'll be filming every moment
with our spinning, remote-controlled camera rig.
All right, let's speed all cameras.
It still boots up.
It works.
[Erik] Say when, Justin.
Yeah. Yeah, that'll work.
[Erik] Action!
It looks fine.
Only damage was the battery component.
Little tab broke.
Works, still.
Not bad. Not bad at all.
Let's destroy it. Okay.
[Justin] And what better way to test a Game Boy
than with our 6'6, 265-pound
bodybuilder friend, Mike Foster.
And his sledgehammer.
Whatever you do, don't let go of the sledgehammer.
(upbeat funk music)
All right, that's the end of the show.
And if you want this Game Boy to have not died in vain,
think about sharing this video with your friends.
And what do you want us to battle-test
in our next episode?
We'll test anything.
Let us know down there in the comments
or on social media with the hashtag #BattleDamage.
Thanks for watching.
[Justin] Erik, you broke it!
Starring: Erik Beck, Justin Johnson
"Hey You (Instrumental)" - Performer: Pigeon John
"So Ganster (Instrumental)" - Performer: Pigeon John
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